Chapter One: First For Everyone

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Ever wondered how your life could change in a flash. Well let me tell you how my life changed. A week before my life changed it was my fourteenth birthday. The morning of my birthday March 23rd, 2004. Today was sunny and very windy according to the news on my phone.
My foster family isn't the greatest but we manage. My real parents didn't want me or my little sister rose to know about them until a certain age. By the way my name is Josephine. I have brown eyes, my hair is red with brown highlights. I have a skinny but chubby body, cup size D and my butt is a little out there. My foster family keeps us homeschooled until today.
The morning of my birthday, my alarm went off around 5:30 in the morning. First day of school, well actual school for me. My last day of homeschool was yesterday. Well when I opened my eyes looking around wondering how today is going to go. I slowly get up sitting on my bed as I turn off my alarm.
My sister Rose was up but she rolled over and went back to sleep very quickly. My parents are not the same as my sister Rose. Rose parents died when she was three now she is 5. Her parents died in a car crash.
I get up off the bed looking at her sleeping for a second before I change into some proper clothes. Before I change I need to shower. I quickly grab some clothes and quietly go to the shower down the hallway. As I slowly walk down the hallway I can hear our foster parents talking about my birthday I try to ignore them talking as I walk into the bathroom.
As I turn on the water making sure it was warm but not too cold. After my shower I got dressed. My first day of school outfit was a pink blouse with a black pair of leggings. I wore black sneakers with my hair in a tight high ponytail. Hopefully people at school are nice.
I stood in front of the mirror staring at myself for about five minutes. My foster mom knocks on the door saying "Honey you going to come down for breakfast before school"? "Yes be down in a second" I say quietly as I grab my dirty clothes putting them in the hamper. She walks back down to the table.
It is now six am and I am walking down for breakfast. As I walk down I see mom and dad sitting down and eating pancakes. My foster dad has black hair and is wearing a blue tux with black dress shoes. His eyes are brown as well. He works for a company which he never mentions. Kinda a mystery. My foster mom has blond long curly hair with blue eyes.   She was wearing a grey sweater and blue jeans with black sneakers. She doesn't work but she helps teach the homeschool kids.
Anyways I sit down next to mom looking at my plate. My mom looks at me smiling "So you excited to go to an actual school" she asks me. I look at her as I eat my food shrugging my shoulder. Dad leaves for work while I eat.
After I eat I grab my backpack. "Goodbye mom the bus is here" I say as I put my phone in my backpack walking outside getting on the bus looking for a seat. Everyone is talking and there is only one seat available and it is next to a cool popular girl. Her friends were behind her. I take my seat as I ignore everyone. The bus takes off.
When the bus comes to a stop I quickly grab my stuff and walk off the bus. I look around in amazement. Some girl touched my shoulder. I jumped a little "yes" I say turning around. "My name is Sarah and you look like your lost" she says smiling. I look at her "Umm yeah I never Umm went to a school veggie plus I am Josephine" I smile back.
Sarah was around five ft seven inches tall with brown hair which was in a braid. She wore a flowery blue dress with white flat shoes. "So your the new girl huh" she says as she walks me to the front office. "Yeah I this where I get my schedule" I say looking at her as we walk into the front office.
"Yes well if you need anything just come find me ok" she gives me a smile and a wink. I smile and nod as she walks away. "Hello you must be Josephine Smith our newest student" says the principal who was in his thirty's wearing a black shirt and blue jeans with black dress shoes. I look at him "Yes now how do I get my class schedule" I ask looking at him. "Yes here it is, your first class is down the hall to the left ok" he says. I take the schedule and looks at it.
Smartsville HighSchool
Grade A school
1627 River rd, Nashville,Tennessee
Day of week Class Grade Teacher Room
Monday Math 9th Mrs. Morgan 312
Through Science 9th Miss. Deans 416
Friday Art 9th Mr. Glass 200
Reading 9th Mr. Smart P 2
Debate 9th Miss. Globe P 12
As I look at my schedule I start to walk down the hallway. The school day went so smooth. I sat with Sarah at lunch and on the bus when school was over. When I got home I walked in looking around. There was no one home. I walked upstairs sitting at my desk. I take out my homework which is math and reading. As I'm working on homework everyone else is in the back yard decorating for my surprise party.

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