「 making pink 」

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» white x yan!impostor! red «
rq - me / @youunholydemon
summary - smexy time with white and red
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

warnings - well first off, smut, second, guns, knives, and death. blood too.

a/n - i don't have names for the crewmates so y'all are gonna have to help me on that..
but for now red's name is Jay and white's name is Oliver. i'll also put a lil warning before the smut starts

There were six people on the ship including him. He and Clover — Cyan — were the two imposters left. Clover was a great pretender, but Jay on the other hand.. with his constant overthinking plans and thinking of ways to get Oliver alone, Clover was left to do all the heavy lifting. She and Jay were meeting in security where they'd go over who would be the next target. "Jay, you need to kill someone already. The others are starting to get suspicious of me." Jay sighed and nodded. "Sure, whatever." Clover's mouth opened, and her sharp and deadly tongue slithered out, stopping right in front of Jay's forehead. Jay stared at it, gaze unchanged. She retracted her tongue and glared at Jay. "You will kill someone. Do you understand me?" He nodded and left the room.

Heading towards electrical, Jay passed by the crewmate in purple, Julia, waved politely and headed inside. Already there, Oliver stood by another panel, looking down at a paper in his hand and flipping up a switch. Jay noticed and smiled. Oliver noticed him and waved warmly, greeting him. "Hi, Jay," he said enthusiastically, "how've you been?" He silently waved back and opened up a panel next to Oliver. "I'm fine, I guess. A bit worried about the imposters." Oliver looked over at Jay, a skeptical look on his face. Jay kept his head forward and messed around with the wires, trying to convince the other he was actually doing a task. Once he "finished" his task, he closed the panel and turned to Oliver and rest his right arm on the wall to lean on it. "How about you? I haven't seen you around much lately." Jay raised his arms and twisted the lock of his helmet open, lifting it off his head and holding it between his arm and body and smiled.

As Oliver takes off his helmet he returns the smile. "I've also been a bit worried. After all, three innocent people died and only one of the imposters were ejected.." Oliver's smiled falters for a bit but returns quickly. Jay saw this and frowned. They both heard footsteps and turned to the front. Yukio, the one in orange, walked in and greeted the two. Oliver lit up like the stars, and Jay absolutely hated it. He turned around and smiled sweetly at Yukio, waving. "Ohayō! How are we today?" Oliver nodded, "Pretty good! You?" Yukio took his helmet off and fluffed up his messy black hair. Jay glared darkly. "I'm good! Just came in here to do a task." He sees the deadly look on Jay's face and hesitated for a second, quickly brushing it off and turning around to do his task. Jay stared at him a bit longer and turned back to Oliver. Yukio finished up his task and came over to the two. "Oliver, may I speak with you please?" The white haired boy nodded and walked with Yukio to the other side of the wall by the lights.

In a whispered tone, Yukio crossed his arms over his chest, rested his side on the wall, leaned in closer and asked, "Are you sure Jay is clean? I don't trust him." Oliver shook his head. "I'm sure. He's had a run-in already with one of them, did you see the scar over his eye? He's afraid and is just trying to protect us." Yukio scoffed and moved a piece of hair out of his eye. "Maybe he wants to protect you. Have you seen the way he looks at the others when you talk them? He's obsessed with you!" He said in a whispered shout, his eyebrows furrowing.

Meanwhile on the other side, Jay saw out of the corner of his eye Clover peek out of the vent. Bending down, he whispered, "What?"
"You'd better kill one of them or I'm gonna have to kill you instead." Jay rolled his eyes and  nodded, shooing Clover away. She went back into the vent and left Jay.

"I'm telling you, he's okay. I'm sure." Yukio sighed in defeat and slumped his shoulders. "Okay, okay. I'll trust you on this. But don't come running to me when you see him put a bullet through Jamie's head." Oliver watched as Yukio walked toward the doorway of electrical when suddenly the door closed and lights went out, nearly crushing Yukio between it. He shrieked and jumped back, looking around. Oliver looked slightly worried. Yukio gasped and pushed Oliver's shoulder. "Where's Jay?!" They ran to the back of electrical and saw Jay with a tablet illuminating his face. The two others held their flashlights to Jay with frightened faces, but he held the tablet up to show a screen downloading info. Yukio was still suspicious.

He grabbed Oliver's arm and told him to go with him to the lights. He nodded and went into the front. Jay sauntered up to the front where the two stay and pressed the door button on the tablet to keep them shut. Putting the tablet in a big pocket on the chest plate on his suit, he walked up to the light switches and flipped them all down. Before Yukio could protest, his arm was grabbed. Jay pulled him away from the lights and Oliver, pulling him in to whisper, "You don't touch my Oliver," in his ear, and kicked his back to throw him to the ground. Yukio hit on the ground with a "Oof!" and landed rather roughly on his right arm. The last thing he saw when he looked up was a gun pointed directly into Yukio's head. A gunshot was heard in the walls of the electrical room.

Oliver stood still, eyes wider than saucers and hands over his mouth. He backed up to the wall behind him, fumbling around on the holster holding the megaphone to report as Jay stared down at the body. His breathing was uneven and his heart was racing. A hand stopped him from raising it to his mouth, and the megaphone was ripped from his hands. Jay leaned into the trembling boy's figure, putting his mouth by his ear. "What do you think you're doing, Oli?" He whispered.

"You're mine."


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