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Last one guys. Last one :)


"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry..."

He shouted an apology. He begin to say the 's' word several times already in between his cries.

"I'm so s-sorry Sangyeon... For making you suffered alone because of me. It's my fault for making you feel the pain and even pushed you away. I didn't know what I was doing that time because I'm stupid enough not to realize how you feel. I was too dumb not to notice how you act when you're around me and how you always have that beautiful smile on your face when you saw me. I missed that so much. I missed you Sangyeon!"

"I know I'm late to even realize how I feel about you and you probably doesn't like me anymore but I'm just gonna say it here. I love you Sangyeon! You're important to me! Even tho we mostly talked in the cafe, I can actually feel the connection between the two of us. And when I went to creker the other day, I was thinking about you and I want to tell you that I'm gonna debut soon as a singer! I also realized that I still needed you by my side! I love you! I really do!! Please love me like before!"

Listening from his confession, Sangyeon was shocked because he didn't expect this at all. He felt like he's on a roller coaster with this mix feelings in his heart.

As much as he wants to forget him, he can't. His heart never tell lies. He still love him but he didn't give an immediate answer for his confession.

He engulf him in his embrace by wrapping his arms around his small body slowly as he lets him cry onto his chest.

It's painful to see him like this. He hate to see him cry now. A beautiful angel like him should never cry. He should be smiling all the time and he will be the one to protect that beautiful smile of his.

"Just let it all out. I'll be staying right here"

He whispered onto his ear while caressing the back of his head, comforting him which makes him to cry even more.

I won't be making you cry anymore

He brought him inside after he calmed down from crying his eyes out as Sangyeon even made him his favourite coffee, caffe latte, and place it down in front of him. Then he sat down across from him and look at him.

His eyes are red and puffy, same goes with his nose as he took a sip on the hot liquid to warm up his body. It was silence at first but he broke the ice.

"I'm sorry"

"Stop apologizing. You apologized so much today and it's not your fault to begin with"Sangyeon said as he placed a hand on top of the boy's hand.

"Listen here, I should be the one apologizing it to you so I'm sorry Jacob for making you feel so unpleasant and kissing you against your will. I realized my mistakes and I won't do that to you ever again without your permission"

"Yet I was the one who hurt you the most so I'm s--"

"Shhhhh. Don't say that 'S' word again or I'll bite you"

He lifted up his index finger and pressed it against his lips to prevent him from saying sorry again and his lips are quite soft. Jacob nod his head and the older's finger left his leave, only his warmth stay there.

Sangyeon also told him that he still loves him and haven't move on from him. He was really happy and in a relief to hear that actually. He thought that he won't have the chance.

"Let's start over Jacob as friends first"

"I-I like that"he nodded his head cutely, wearing a cute smile.

[C] Regular Romance | sangcobWhere stories live. Discover now