~10 - A Hogwarts Christmas~

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 Though the December winters of Scotland are indeed beautiful, and I love the cold dearly, there are times in which I could do without the cold. Such as today. Today must be the coldest of days yet, and to our most complete misfortune, we're to spend it's full morning within Hogwarts' dungeons attending classes with Professor Snape and the Slytherins. How lovely for us...

"I do feel so sorry," Draco Malfoy begins from his end of the Potions class, "for all those people who have to stay at Hogwarts for Christmas because they aren't wanted at home." He's looking straight at Harry as he speaks snobbishly as if he's above everyone and everything in his presence. Unfortunately for him, he seems completely blind to the fact that I, personally, as well as many others, I'm sure, hold him no higher than the dirt we'll walk on outdoors.

"Or those who's families are dead," Pansy Parkinson continues on.

I'm not going to react to her pestering, as I'm sure, in Snape's presence, I'll only get myself into trouble for no reason. It'd be different were she telling it to any one of my friends, but as it's just me, I'll choose to ignore her, grit my teeth, and get through this lesson without incident.

Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle, and Parkinson are each snickering away in their corner. I simply roll my eyes and smile to Mione, assuring her I'm alright.

I feel worse for Harry than myself and what I'm dealing with. After Gryffindor bet Slytherin in the Quidditch game, Malfoy and his goons have been giving him an even worse time than they were before. Harry's asked me to stop sticking up for him as he's worried I'll only get myself into more trouble, and to his knowledge, I've kept my thoughts to myself whenever he and they're involved. However, when I'm left with them, I don't hesitate to stand up for the boy. He doesn't deserve what they're doing, after all, and so I refuse to stand for it.

I'm not going home for Christmas this year, that much they've got right, but it isn't because my family is dead. It's because I want to give Connie some time with her daughter and daughter's family for once. I'm not often able to travel, due to the peculiarity and giveaway of my eyes, and so she's often unable to visit. This year will be perfect for her to see her daughter's entire family without issue.

Harry's said he isn't going to be going home for the holiday either, and I understand. Especially after hearing all of the horrid things about his good-for-nothing aunt and uncle, and his thicker-than-bricks, in two separate ways, cousin.

Ron and his brothers will be staying as well, due to their parents and sister (Molly, Arthur, and Ginny) heading off to Romania to see their other son Charlie. According to Ron, he's there working with dragons. I'd love to see one for myself one day.

I breathe a sigh of relief once we're released from out Potions class and stand to leave it with Ron, Hermione, and Harry in tow. We're pacing through the frigid corridors until we're blocked from our path by the appearance of a large fir tree.

"Hi, Hagrid," Ron greets before sticking his head into the tree's needles, "want any help?"

"Nah, I'm all right, thanks, Ron," Hagrid answers in his usual kind and jovial tone.

"Would you mind moving out of the way?" come's Malfoy's sickeningly posh and yet brash tone. "Are you trying to earn some extra money, Weasley? Hoping to be gamekeeper yourself when you leave Hogwarts, I suppose – that hut of Hagrid's must seem like a palace compared to what your family's used to."

"You retched snake!" I yell at the platinum-blond. Ron lunges for him rather than retorting however, and gets himself caught by Snape as he ascends the stairs and enters the area.

"WEASLEY!" he shouts aggressively, causing Ron to release Malfoy's robes.

"He was provoked, Professor Snape," Hagrid defends from his place still under the tree. "Malfoy was insulting his family."

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