Chapter 1

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3rd person p.o.v

     As the sun filtered through the den Maple'Ash felt tapping on her pelt and she twitched before opening an eye and looking at the cat that woke her from the wonderful dream. "Hey, Amber'Claw," Maple'Ash said drowsily before yawning and getting up to shake her pelt and give it a quick groom. "Good Morning Maple'Ash, I'm getting held up, so could you lead my patrol?" She nodded and walked out of the den, stopping at the entrance. "Ur- who exactly am I taking?" He chuckled, "Distant'Echo and Coyote'Blaze." she smiled and walked out to greet them.

     After returning from a hunting patrol, Coyote'Blaze and Distant'Echo deposited their prey to the fresh-kill pile while Maple'Ash took a shrew to Heather'Stream in the Nursery. She wouldn't admit it, but she secretly also wanted to see the kits and try to comfort her sister. "Are you awake yet?" Maple'Ash peeked into the nursery to see if her sister and the kits were up yet. "Yes, we're awake." Maple'Ash walked into the den and set the shrew down next to her sister as she was bombarded with two tiny kits. Maple'Ash sat next to Heather'Stream and bent down to the kits purring "So, how are you two doing?" Storm'kit puffed out his chest "I bet I'll be an apprentice soon, Bramble'Star can't leave talent like me go unnoticed" after he said that Flame'kit got into an argument that he was the better kit afterwards they started wrestling. Maple'Ash stopped purring as she saw her sister's sad expression "I miss him too." Heather'Stream jumped as she was shaken out of her thoughts by Maple'Ash. "Yeah..." Heather'Stream and Maple'Ash walked out of the den as they heard Bramble'Star call a clan meeting, Storm'kit and Flame'kit followed behind. "I bet I'm becoming an apprentice... no! I bet I'm going straight to a warrior!" Heather'Stream gently cuffed their ear to quiet them. "As you all know we lost a great warrior to Starclan, Tiger'Blaze, he was a father, a mate, and a friend." The cats around the clearing dipped their heads in respect and grief as Bramble'Star continued. "But, he was also a mentor, and as he had joined Starclan, I need to to give Leopard'Paw a new mentor, and I have given great thought to who it should be." Bramble'Star scanned all the cats before he continued, his gaze falling on Maple'Ash. "Leopard'Paw, your mentor will be Maple'Ash. I hope she can pass down her skill, bravery, and strength." Leopard'Paw jumped in excitement, Maple'Ash bolted up, she was clearly happy too, this would be her first apprentice, then she sat back down, licking her chest in embarrassment.

      Sunlight barely hit the den when Maple'Ash carefully scrambled out of the den, trying to avoid stepping on the other sleeping cats, however, she accidentally tripped on Amber'Claw, she quickly apologized when she scurried out and over to the Apprentice den, she composed herself before quietly sneaking in and nudging Leopard'Paw, as he got up he disturbed Feather'Paw, she opened her eyes tiredly she squeaked quietly as she saw Maple'Ash and kept asking if she could train too "Only if Distant'Echo says you can, I'll wait at the entrance." Maple'Ash walked out the Apprentice den and grabbed a squirrel and waited at the entrance, eating with Leopard'Paw as she waited. Soon Feather'Paw returned with Distant'Echo and they left to go training in the training clearing. "What would you like to start with Distant'Echo?" He thought for a minute before answering (Can't remember any names for fighting moves, if there are any, so imma make some up, but rn I'm using a move Maple'Shade showed Crooked'paw/star) "What about the down swipe?" Maple'Ash nodded before looking for a stick then sticking it in a hole in front of the apprentices they looked at curiously. "For this trick, you have to stand up and wrap your tail around your back leg while you strike the stick, of course, you'd do it in an actual battle." Maple'Ash pointed out as she demonstrated knocking the stick out of the hole both Feather'Paw and Leopard'Paw tried, Maple'Ash noticed that Feather'Paw had the grace and balance, but didn't quite have the power, whereas Leopard'Paw was the complete opposite, so Maple'Ash gave them each stick holes and sticks and she had Distant'Echo try to show Feather'Paw how to get more power in her strike while Maple'Ash tried to show Leopard'Paw how to keep his balance. 

     After a while of training Maple'Ash told them to head back to the clan because it was about sun high and they'd been training since sun rise. They arrived back at camp, the whole way back to camp Maple'Ash was trying to think of ways to help improve Leopard'Paw's balance. "Hey Amber'Claw! Mind if I join Gray'Mist's border patrol?" Amber'Claw nodded and Maple'Ash turned to Leopard'Paw. "Would you like to join me?" Leopard'Paw nodded vigorously and padded after her. "Greetings Maple'Ash, Coyote'Snap is joining us." Maple'Ash nodded and sat at the entrance with Gray'Mist and Leopard'Paw waiting for Coyote'Snap. Maple'Ash looked up as she heard pawsteps approaching. She was happy to see her father, Flint'Shadow, walking up to her, however she was a bit surprised. "Hello father," Flint'Shadow stood directly in front of her, he was wearing a pleased smile, and his eyes were brighter than usual as he looked at her. "You finally have your apprentice." Maple'Ash nodded, and saw Coyote'Snap approaching. "I apologize, but I have to go on patrol, I'll see you when I return." She got up and followed Gray'Mist with Leopard'Paw next to her and Coyote'Snap behind her. As they padded to the ShadowClan border Maple'Ash caught the scent of cats "ShadowClan." She lightly hissed. Then they all bolted toward the border "Leopard'Paw, go warn the clan." Leopard'Paw nodded and ran toward the camp. Soon after a short run they ran into Adder'Stike, Dusk'Horizon and Darkened'Shadow, Maple'Ash took a ready stance as she confronted them. "You're on ThunderClan territory! Leave before we make you!" Darkened'Shadow hissed and jumped at Maple'Ash before either Adder'Strike or Dusk'Horizon could stop him Maple'Ash quickly ran to the side, hissing when he snagged her side, she rammed into his side and knocked him over as she jumped right on him, but before she saw what was coming Adder'Strike pushed her off, he was about to jump on her when Gray'Mist blocked him and batted at his head, catching a good scratch on his muzzle before he backed away, Maple'Ash looked around for Coyote'Snap, jumping over Darkened'Shadow, rushing so she could get Dusk'Horizon, but she was to late as she got caught between Darkened'Shadow and Dusk'Horizon waiting for Coyote'Snap to recover from his beating. She snagged the middle of Darkened'Shadow's ear and lifted her paw up harshley and tore of a chunk of his ear off, she heard yowls in the distance and saw Dawn'Frost and Amber'Claw running with Leopard'Paw right on their tails, as they bounded forward Maple'Ash looked between her opponents and leaped at Dusk'Horizon with a furious hiss and she batted at his head, he tried pushing her away and she stumbled, as she fell Maple'Ash felt her claws catch something, as Amber'Claw and Dawn'Frost finished the fight and started driving Darkened'Shadow, Adder'Strike and Dusk'Horizion she finally saw what her claws caught and she felt disgusted looking at the now empty eye socket where Dusk'Horizion's right eye would be, then Maple'Ash decided it was best to finish marking the border and go back to camp as the sun started it's decent and the stars lightly illuminated the darkening sky.

A/n: Ok, so for the people who do read this book, I apologize for making y'all wait so long, I kept writing, deleting, and rewriting this, and farther chapters, but from now on I'm going to try and make my schedule of publishing either on Saturdays, Sundays, or Mondays, however, I believe one chapter a week is fair, I'm watching from Starclan my brave kits (also, I do have a reason for this song, but it will come later in the story)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2021 ⏰

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