Paper Airplanes

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“So this is it” I thought to myself. My hand quivered whilst clenching the handle of my travel bag. I was queuing up to board the plane headed for Munich, Germany. I watched as my mum walked into the passage in to the plane. I handed my boarding pass to the friendly ticket man and swiftly followed her. I got to the entrance of the plane and waved to my mum, unfortunately we couldn’t get seats next to each other for the flight so I’m apprehensive about sitting next to a complete stranger. “Excuse me miss” an airhostess smiled at me. “There has been a double booking of your seat which we apologise for”

“Oh umm I see" I mumbled.

“However” she beamed “you have now been upgraded to first class due to this mistake, here let me show you to your seat”

“Thanks “I said as she redirected me. I’ve never flow in first class before it was amazing. I cant quite capture its elegance with words; I was sat in my own little box with a screen that went up or down so that I could talk to the person next door. I pulled out my note pad and plugged in my headphones, turning up the volume so loud that I didn’t see a lemon haired boy slip into the pod next to me. The plane took off I felt my previous life slip from my fingers and I whispered “bye bye Britain” to no one in particular.

It was about half way through the flight when the screen separating my pod slid down and a cheeky grin peered at me. “Hi I’m nico” he said reaching out his hand. Tentatively I shook it.

“I’m Zara”

He cocked his head slightly and asked “So Zara what brings you to Germany”

“Well my mum you see, she’s got this big fancy job in Munich-she does interior designing “

“Munich you said?”

“Yeah were moving there to Stechpalmen-Straße”

“No waaaay” he laughed


“Well as a matter of fact I live on that street”

“I guess I’ll see more of you then” I replied giggling. We talked like that for ages laughing and joking, nico was so kind he made me feel better about having to move all the way to Germany.

Nico started watching films and I drifted off to sleep. I awoke from my slumber and peered open my eyes to see my mum looming over me.

"Come on sleepy head, we need to get off this plane" she cooed. I noticed that everyone else had already left-including Nico.

It was a few hours before we pulled up infront of our new house and I bounded up the steps to look around my new home. "Your bedrooms the top floor sweetie" my mum called out as I ran off. I sprinted up the first flight of stairs and opened a door which revealed a second set of stairs, at the top of them was my room. This house is far bigger than my home in Britain. Luckily my mum had flew over before we moved and being a interior designer, she decorated the house herself . She had done an amazing job. My room was massive with a large sofa on the left wall as well as a walk in wardrobe, a fish tank bubbled happily in the corner by my desk. I noticed a ladder with fairy lights wrapped around it. Cautiously I climbed up. It led to a smaller room with a huge kingsize bed and doors leading to a balcony, standing out on it I could see my garden stretching infront of me and the balcony of next door. I was stunned and exhausted so I threw myself on my bed and pulled out my phone. Wow I had so many texts
Call me babe miss you already-love ya Katy xxx
Gonna be weird not having you in class, have fun in Germany- Lisa :)
Your a great gal, have fun you deserve it -Michelle
Your my bff don't forget and call when you can-Kat
We won't forget you - rob
You'll always be in my heart-Connor

That last text broke my heart. Me and Connor had been together for about a year but mutually agreed to end things when I moved. How could I reply to that, I wanted to show he ment a lot to me, not friend zone him or act as if he was still my boyfriend.
I won't forget what we had- Zara

There that will have to do. I fell into a deep sleep dreaming of lemon haired boys and paper airplanes.
Authors note
Hiya everyone so this is my first time writing a story. Spelling isn't my strong point so ingnore any mistakes. I felt I should really write a nico liersch story as I felt there are so few out there.
Thanks.  Xxx

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