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Two days you'd spent on the case. And seemed no closer to catching the unsub.
No more bodies had appeared but you all had a feeling it wasn't going to be long before another man went missing, and you all wanted to catch the bastard before that happened.

"Ugh you're a hero." You smiled at Morgan, who came into the station carrying bags of Chinese takeout.

"Baby tell me something I don't know." He laughed, handing you a container filled with duck fried rice.

"The first cat ever known to have been named was in ancient Egypt, it was called Nedjem, which means 'Sweet'" Spencer piped up from behind a stack of papers.

Derek stared blankly at him.

"Well did you know that?" You asked, grinning at his expression.

"No.. but that's the last time I'll use that phrase." Derek replied. You laughed, winking at Reid who smiled back.

An hour later and you hadn't gotten any further with the case, it was dark outside and you took turns yawning and stretching.

Eventually Hotch looked up, seeing everyone's tired expressions.

"I think it's best if we head back to the hotel. We're not getting anywhere tonight and I need you all ready bright and early tomorrow. Go get some rest."

Everyone sighed with relief, grabbing their bags and coats. You hesitated at the door, Hotch hadn't moved from his seat, still scanning through pages.

"You coming too?"

He glanced up "Mm.. I will do in a while, go get some sleep."

You thought about saying something else, but changed your mind, following the others out to the cars and back to the hotel.


You rolled over for the millionth time. Why was it so goddamn hard to sleep in a new bed?

You thought you'd be used to it by now, with all the travelling and crazy hours you had to work, but you still found it hard to sleep in a bed that wasn't yours.

You checked your phone- 1:30am- before sitting up, sighing.

Your mother used to say that if you couldn't sleep you should get up, do something calming like reading or drawing for an hour then try going back to sleep.

You hadn't brought any books with you and were a terrible artist. You supposed you could always knock on Spencer's door and ask for one of his many books he always seemed to have, but you didn't want to risk waking him if he was asleep.

You opened your phone and sent a text.

You- Hey Spence are you still awake? I was wondering if I could borrow a book to read. Can't sleep.

You sent the text and waited. After 5 minutes it was clear he wasn't going to answer so you sighed and grabbed the case files out of your bag.

Going back over them helped sometimes, perhaps you'd see something you'd missed before.

There was no desk in your room, and sitting on the bed hurt your back because of your posture, so you decided to head down to the bar in the hotel.

The bar was fairly small, but was open all night so would be a good place to sit. There was only one other person sat with his back to you at the bar.

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