The Talk/Shipwrecked

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*It was a rainy morning at the tower. Luan was ready for school, when suddenly, there was a knock at the door. It was Heather and Lindsay.*

Terra: Hey, Heather! Hey, Lindsay! What brings you two down here?!

Heather: We came to see Luan.

Lindsay: Is she okay?!

Terra: Not really, girls......! She still misses them. However, she was able to move on when Lori and Lynn visited her in her dream.

Heather: Still, I wish this didn't have to happen.......! Especially after what her former parents and ungrateful sisters did to her.

Terra: Well, let's not mention their names in front of her. It will upset her more than it already has............!

Lindsay: Agreed! Anyways, can we come in?!

Terra: Sure! Come on in!

*She took them to the elevator, which they took to the lounge area, where Luan was still sitting.*

Heather: Hey, Luan!

Luan: Hey, Heather........!

Lindsay: How are you doing?!

Luan:*upset* Great.........!

Heather: Luan, I'm so sorry about what happened to you!

Luan: Me too.......! Especially when I was beaten up by my former sisters during a fight.........!

Lindsay: What......?!

*Soren walked up to them and so did the other titans.*

Soren: They beat you up..........?!

Luan: Yes........!

Terra: When did this happen?!

Luan: Before I left to tell Soren goodbye........!

Starfire: Can you tell us what happened?!

Luan: Sure........! I was stopping at my old house to pack my things. Unfortunately, when I got their my stuff was gone, except my clothes.......! However, Mr. Coconuts was gone.........!

Heather: Oh my God.........! Didn't Lori give him to you when you were little?!

Luan: Yes, but they threw him out as well as my comedy props! So I punched Leni in the stomach, kicked Luna in the ribs, pulled Lola's hair, and destroyed everything they owned.........! I cut the strings in Luna's guitar, destroyed Leni's sewing machine and her sunglasses, smashed Lola's tea party stuff and tore the stuffing out of Lola's stuffed animals......! Until Leni grabbed me by the neck, but I bit her and head butted her, but she spanked me until I kicked her in the ankles..........! Then, I tried to go back and get the rest of my stuff, but they threw punches at me...... until one of them threw the last blow to my head, causing me to fall down the stairs.......!

Lindsay: Do you remember which one did that......?!

Luan: It was Leni........!

*They all gasped in horror and heartbreak.*

Lindsay: What........?!

*Luan nodded*

Heather:*angry* Why that *****!!!!!!!!!

Beast Boy: Those lying BACKSTABBING BULLIES!!!!!!!!!!!

Raven: I'LL KILL THEM FOR THIS!!!!!!!!!!

Robin: We're sorry to hear that, Luan!

Starfire: If they wish not to be destroyed, they will leave you alone! And I mean it!

Terra: There's something else I should tell you, Luan! That night after the funeral, before you dug Lori's grave, I heard you singing. I live streamed you singing.

Luan: You did?! Was anyone watching it, Momma Terra?!

Heather: She did, Luan......! Gwen and I were watching it and saw how heartbroken you were!

Lindsay: Everyone else from Total Drama saw it, Luan! We were all heartbroken when you sang that song. It made us all cry, especially me, Heather, Gwen, Bridgette, and Courtney!

Luan:*sad* Oh......! *sighs*

Heather: Whatever happens, we're all here for you!

Luan: Thanks, guys.......!

Carol: Anytime, Kiddo!

*As Terra drove Luan and Soren to school, they were unaware that Ronnie Anne and Lincoln were sailing in their boat with Maria being the captain. The boat was called Ronniecolnic.*

I don't own this OST at all or the movie! Belongs to James Cameron and James Horonor. The video belongs to Naburim on YouTube!

Lincoln: Ronnie Anne, is everything okay?!

Ronnie Anne: No, Lincoln.......! It's not........! Luan was right to be angry at me.........! Especially when I did betray her, Lori and Lynn.........! I might have done it again.........!

Lincoln: What do you mean........?!

Ronnie Anne: I invited her former sisters, who were bailed from prison.........!

Lincoln: What........?! Who bailed them out........?!

Ronnie Anne: I don't know, but next year, they're coming to California and..........!

Maria: KIDS, GET INSIDE NOW!!!!!!!!!!

Lincoln: What's wrong, Mrs. Santiago/Casagrande?!

*Lightning flashed.*

Lincoln: Oh no.........!

*Then, the alarm was going off. Lincoln steered the boat while Ronnie Anne closed the watertight doors. But those weren't strong enough.*

Maria: HARD TO STARBOARD!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Lincoln was still turning the wheel as fast as he could, but it was no use. The waves were too strong. As the boat climbed up the biggest one, the wave capsized the boat, causing it to sink. Later, they washed up on Lemurian.*

Maria: Are you kids okay?!

Lincoln:*coughs* I'm fine.......!

Ronnie Anne: Me too.........!

*Suddenly, Charlotte attacked them. But Ronnie Anne and Lincoln punched her and knocked her out cold. She was bleeding and had a black eye and a broken nose and bruises.*

Maria: Kids.......! Look........!

*Ronnie Anne and Lincoln turned around and saw the most beautiful creatures they had ever seen.*

Lincoln: So beautiful.........!

Ronnie Anne: It sure is, Lincoln.........! It sure is.........!

*They then kissed.*

Note: Please read Luan's Rage for the rescue!


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