On One Cold Winter Night

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Author's POV- Hi guys, Natasha is back, with a full new story.. she was becoming someone else is friends, but what happened when she comes a crossed, people from Devil May Cry..crossover with other ones..

Author's POV- One night, in December, Natasha and her family I remember it was a very cold December, she went out not on the 1 of December or the 2, but not even on the 3 day of December.. but somewhere in December, it was maybe December not 4 or 5 or even 6. It was somewhere in the other days not the 7 or 8 on the 9 she didn't do anything but 10, 11 and 12 didn't do anything those cold days, but she didn't do much either on the 13 day but on the 14, she didn't go or do anything but on the 15 & 16 she didn't do anything else that day or on the 17, but on the 18 she was busy, because those 2 days was her parents day to have, for her birthday, and her birthday was on the day after the 18, so they celebrated it and yes her parents are divorced, but now it's almost weeks before Christmas week.

Now let's get into the story

Natasha- It's almost! Time for me to wrap gifts!

Natasha said happily

Natasha said again

Natasha- Now that Hallow-eek is down!

2 minutes later

Natasha- I thought, October, would never end!

She said smiling and then said

Natasha- I'm finally happy! I love this time of year, no scaring people, this month like January, February, March, April, May, June & July, also August and September were done..

A few hours later

Natasha- Now that November is finally done! As well as October..It's December I love this type of month!

She said to herself

Natasha- I hope, my mom puts up the Christmas tree!!

She said

Natasha looks away

Natasha hears her mom calling her name

Jillian- Natasha Skylar! Come help me out!

Natasha- Ok, why it's the first day of December? So the tree goes up?

Natasha had to ask her mom

Jillian- Yes.. it is time for the tree to go up!

Natasha screams for excitement and runs downstairs

Jillian says

Jillian- Where is your sister at?

Natasha told her mom

Natasha- I don't know why?? Mom?!

The Next Day

Abigail- Where is everyone?

Abigail calls out

She gets an answer back

Jillian- Abigail! Get the ornaments!

Abigail- Ok mom! Coming!

A few hours ago

Natasha heard something

Natasha- What?? Was that?

Natasha said as she was talking on the phone and said

Natasha- Listen, I'll have to call you back.

She said on the phone to someone she's talking too

Tyson- Ok. Whatever you heard go check it out than call me back.

Natasha- Ok, I don't know, if my mom or sister heard it too. But I'll most definitely call you back after I go and check it out Ty.

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