The Fight

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She hides behind Diego u turn into a demon and walked to Lauren and said
Mia:come on u wanted to fight
She tried to run off but u teleported to her and said
Mia:nope come here
u nodded to lucifer and lifted her up in the air and punched her so hard that she passed out u healed her and Diego mouthed thank you and u said
Mia:oh we are not done yet
U grab Alex and turned into a wolf and Alex backed away and said
A:please I will do anything please don't kill me please
U jumped on him and scratched his back and he was screaming then u looked at Lucas and flew up and picked him up and punched him 8 times hard and put him down then went to mark and bitch smacked him and kicked him in the stomach then went to Diego and kissed him and he kissed back and u started to make out then u winked and left

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