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ChokeMeShoyo i give you these i decided 'eh emo time' reasons they are said are in order girls big fight jerry's regret for starting a fight and bullies i low key feel like andy was bullied before and after the call that was during big fight lita ...

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ChokeMeShoyo i give you these i decided 'eh emo time' reasons they are said are in order girls big fight jerry's regret for starting a fight and bullies i low key feel like andy was bullied before and after the call that was during big fight lita cried cause ya know it was her close friend and yeah Jerry probably felt regret after the fight and shit now that you read my ranty rant i give you

ChokeMeShoyo i give you these i decided 'eh emo time' reasons they are said are in order girls big fight jerry's regret for starting a fight and bullies i low key feel like andy was bullied before and after the call that was during big fight lita ...

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Why does Lita have bandaids well i like the idea she's shitty at receives like not as bad a hinata but ya know not the best but she's great at blocking people and spiking

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