Chapter 2

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The next thing you know, you're waking up in a dark room. The sheets are thin and cool to the touch, which is definitely welcome in the hot, humid room. Someone must have left a window open. You start to slowly sit up, a hand raising to your head as you try to remember how you got here...

You remember going for a walk, then meeting a really weird guy... You can picture his face, and then all you can seem to focus on is the memory of him pulling you flush against him. You start to feel hot, but it's not from the temperature in the room. You start feeling ashamed as you notice your pants feeling tighter at remembering the feeling of his muscles pushed tightly against yours. Not to mention that outfit of his left nothing to the imagination. It was so tight, and the cut of his pants brought all attention to his- It becomes almost painful, so you bury your head in your hands with a groan, willing it to go down, before you hear a sudden voice.

"Oh? Awake already? And what's this?" he's suddenly right next to you. Oh, great. It's that bitch from last night. "A present for me?" You see a huge smirk on his face when you peek out from behind your hands.

You hide you face again, giving him a slight glare as you do. "Shut up, Dio."

"Oh? I was right, then. You even remember my name."

Your head raises curiously. "What do you mean?"

"You called me Dio. I never gave you my name, young M/N, so clearly you must remember something."

You think about it for a moment. How had you known his name?

He makes a sound of disappointment, pulling you out of your thoughts. "It appears as though my present is leaving," he pouts. "No matter," he sits on the bed next to you, reaching towards your dick with confidence in his voice and a smirk back on his face, "I can get it back easily enough."

"Lord DIO!" someone yells, suddenly barging in.

Dio growls in frustration as his head whips around to face whoever was interrupting him. "WHAT?!?"

The urgency the person displayed before is suddenly replaced by fear as he seems to notice the situation. "A-apologies, Lord DIO, I-I didn't realize... I-I can come back later," he whimpers out.

"Yes, I suggest you do," Dio says sinisterly.

The guy turns around as fast as he can and slams the door shut behind him. You can hear him hightailing it away from the room.

"Now..." Dio says, notably less annoyed, "where were we..." He turns back to you. "Ah yes, I've been waiting over a century for this!" With that, he suddenly yanks down the sheets covering you, somehow getting your pants and underwear as well.

*Narrator voice*

Over in Japan, Joseph, Avdol, Holly, and Jotaro are sitting in a cafe, all stunned at what Joseph's Hermit Purple had revealed. The photograph clearly showed DIO in a dark room with his back to the camera, showing off the star on the back of his shoulder. Their position made it impossible to see the poor soul's face, but there was unmistakably someone underneath DIO! The entire group's faces turned a deep red, a couple of them even getting nose bleeds, as they realized what DIO was doing. In the picture, DIO's head was thrown back with his eyes closed and his mouth open. The fingers of the man underneath him dug into either side of his waist as DIO sat completely naked on top of the man.

"Well, definitely not what I was expecting," Jotaro says, pulling his hat down over his eyes in embarrassment.

Alright, chapter 2! I think that's as close to lemons as I'm comfortable getting 😅 ALSO! I'm starting to lean more towards giving the reader a stand, but I think I'll go ahead and make the non-stand version too. I'll probably be posting the stand version first, though. Somewhere around the time Reader gets his stand, I'll probably post an author's note giving details about it and a picture I made of (part of) its appearance.

Well, see ya!

DIO x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now