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AUTHORS NOTE: Hey ya'll! I just want to say that if you guys can share this story or vote on it and leave me feedback, it is greatly appreciated! Now onto the next chapterrrrr


I wake up to my alarm blaring next to my ear. I sit up and look at my phone and see that it is 9:30 am.
I groan and flop myself back onto my bed just in time for Kurt and Char to barge into my room unannounced.
"Rise and shine Lani, we have class at 10:30 remember? Now go take a shower and wash your ass" Kurt says laughing at the end. I shoot him a glare and get up from the bed and make sure to bump right into him and char on my way to the bathroom.
I check myself out in the mirror while I undress, I've always been insecure with my body because I didn't look like most girls and I didn't look like Charlie. Most of the guys in our Bestfriend group have always gone for her. I sigh heavily as I make my way into the shower, turning on some music and hitting shuffle, oddly enough Sweet Creature begins to play. I roll my eyes but sing along. As I'm in the process of washing my hair I hear a ding interrupting the music meaning someone texted me. I brush it off and finish my shower.
When I get out, I head to the room, and right before I get dressed I check my phone and noticed an unfamiliar number had texted me. Furrowing my eyebrows I unlock my room and open the message, my breathing stops...

*unknown number*
Goodmorning Ailani, it's Harry, I hope I'm not interrupting your sleep. I was just wondering if you were down for me to make it up to you for the coffee incident yesterday? It's fine if you can't, you've probably got school but yea. Anyway, have a great day! - H

My eyes don't stop rereading the words on the screen. Harry hadn't forgotten about me and actually wanted to make it up to me. Before I even know it, I'm rushing to throw clothes on and do my hair as fast as I can so I can tell char the news. I take one last glance in the mirror and feel satisfied with what I managed to throw together. I head out to the living room and see Char and Kurt fighting over food as usual and blurt out "harrystylestextedmeandaskedtohangouttoday" in one full breath.
"Okay can you say that again Lani, it sounded like you said Harry Styles asked you to hang out today which can't even be true" Kurt says with a grin.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP LANI, NO WAY, YOU HAVE TO GO, DID YOU TEXT HIM BACK? TEXT HIM BACK NOW!" Char screams and runs to snatch my phone out my hand and started typing, I was still frozen in place at the thought that he even texted me. I then snapped back to reality and snatch my phone out, "I'll figure it out, I have a class to get to" and then I left as fast as I can so Char wouldn't object. 

I walk into the classroom and settle down in my normal seat and take my phone out immediately. I start reading the message again and typing...

*To Harry*

Hey Harry, I would like to, the only problem is that I'm busy today but I have the perfect suggestion, what about a little midnight trip around the city? I can show you a few places? Also, thanks I hope you have a great day as well!

I look at it once more and just press send without even thinking about it twice otherwise I would've aborted the whole mission. I sighed and just put my phone away just thinking about what I just did and what outcome it was going to have. 

Class finished and I just gathered all my stuff and walked out heading to the student lounge to meet my friends since we all had a class at the same time on this day and it was our only in-person class. I walk in and spot Char and Lucas cuddled on the couch.

"Gross, get a room, you guys know I'm depressed about being lonely," I say with a smirk and sarcasm in my voice. 

"Well if things go well with Mr. Styles you may be the next one to be taken," Char says with a smile and hopeful voice. 

"Yeah sike, we haven't even gone out yet, I don't even know the dude personally, only what I've stalked and researched about him for the past 10 years but that's beside the point, the point is no. I will not subject myself to date a famous person because I adore them, they have to really show me the outside of the famous celebrity realm, feel me?" I say.

"Well damn, when did you get so soft?" Lucas finally says after just watching everyone talk.

"I haven't gone soft Lucas, I'm just stating my feelings, gosh, can't a girl have a preference without being called soft," I say in annoyance.

"Lani you can, chill out, tell us what's wrong," Char says staring at me knowing that I was overthinking something in my head.

"Okay so I texted Harry and I told him how I'll be busy but we can hand out around midnight like a late-night trip since I don't have in-person classes tomorrow and I'm just nervous with him being him and me being me. I'm not good with people or crowds and one bad thing I say out of frustration it's over for our, whatever it is we have. I don't want to mess up but I'm nervous about doing the wrong thing." I say with a hint of sadness but not showing too much.

Kurt finally speaks up after being quiet since I got here, "Lani you have to just trust your gut and heart, but most importantly, always go with your heart. It will always lead you in the right direction and if you want to take the risk of possibly developing a friendship with a famous guy then you have to know there will be changed to your life as well. You don't even really know what is going to happen after this first meetup anyways, just go with the flow." 

I stare at him in awe, thankful for having a best friend like Kurt. I stand up, "You're right, I gotta go plan for tonight and I also have homework and need a fat nap before my midnight trip." I say fastly satisfied with what Kurt just told me, I give them all a hug and kiss on the cheek and head off to my dorm.

Once I get back I just lay down and start working on my homework. 


I hear a buzz from my phone and I'm already shitting bricks by the time I pick it up and see Harry's name.

*Harry S.*

No problem love, I think that sounds great. I'm down for a little midnight adventure, especially in a city I'm not familiar with. I can pick you up at around 11:30, does that sound alright? -H 

I  stare at the text and reply back right away telling him my address and that 11:30 is perfect. I start to smile and squeal while laying down and kicking my feet because I still can't believe I'm hanging out with THEE Harry Styles. I pack my stuff up and check the time, my phone reads 5 pm so that would give me enough time to nap and shower, and get ready. It's nothing fancy so I can get ready pretty quick. 

I lay down and close my eyes, the past two days replay in my head and I can't stop myself from smiling so hard my cheeks hurt. I then drift off to sleep wondering what will happen tonight. 

AUTHORS NOTE: Hey guys! So the second chapter is done and I'm still playing around with things for my writing style but I really like how the story is going! Please let me know your thoughts! I'd love feedback. I also finally got out of my writer's block and a small depression period. Welp, that's all for this chapter and I hope you are enjoying it so far! BYEEEE!! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2020 ⏰

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