(AN) Emily

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(You can skip this one if you would like, this is just a background on Mari's now dead mother, Emily. Talking about how Felix met Emily in high school and married a year after. The year after that Mari was born and the Emily died from something i can't remember. Then he hired Jaz for a babysitting job. Anyway...)

I brushed my teeth and went into my room, I sit on my bed and look at the bedside table. A picture of me and Emily a long time ago. High school to be exact. Mari has her eyes. Emily's red hair draped over her high school graduation gown, we were so happy then. A year after that we had Mari in early June, we didn't know how this would effect our education. But she didn't have to worry about it long. In September the next year she passed away. Ever since I made sure I took care of Mari as well as I could, no matter what. After I got my job I had to hire Babysitters, luckily I found Jazmine, who was willing to work for little money while I didn't have much. Now I pay her better. I'm so lucky to have Mari in my life. I just wish Emily was back in it as well.

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