Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Ma'am? Ma'am?"
I'm jostled out of my peaceful sleep by the stewardess.
"Ma'am we've arrived in London." She says politely.
"Ugh. Thank you." I say, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. NyQuil knocks me out, but I feel like absolute hell after. I stand up, yawning, and grab my suitcase from the storage compartment. I walk down the aisle, rolling my suitcase behind me. I can barely keep my eyes open as I walk. I decide it's probably best to try and watch where I'm walking, especially leaving the plane. I really wouldn't enjoy falling through the little hole and becoming a pancake in the London Airport. Yeah that's not ideal. Although I'm starting to think it may be, as my excitement for this school gets lesser with every step into the airport. I see a Starbucks and decide to get a coffee. My parents, being who they were, gave me money for food and an uber and said, "Bye! Off to boarding school you go! Across the seas! It's not like we notice you anyway, so what's the difference! Okay have fun! Try not to get expelled! Bye-bye!"
God I miss my friends. Speaking of my friends, I hear a chime from my phone. I recognize the ringtone to be Samantha, or Sam, as we call her.
"Did you make it to London yet?" She texted.
"sadly, yes. seems as if it would've been more fortunate to go down in flames in the middle of the atlantic" I reply. I always have a laugh at her perfect grammar and spelling during texts. I however, completely disregard any grammar, and often spelling in my texts. Why should I care about that? I get my point across either way. The only time I care about grammar is during exams. I don't seem like the type of person to care about exams, but passing my classes keeps my parents off my back. That was until, this summer, of course. After this summer, they'll be on my back about everything possible. That's possibly the only positive thing about this school. The fact that my parents are a lovely 5,318 miles away from here. My phone chimes again.
"Oh come on. Don't be like that Ana. It could be good. Plus, cute British guys ;) " She says, adding a little wink to the end to emphasize her statement about the cute British guys.
"alright sammy" I text back. I guess that's another thing I don't mind. The cute British guys and girls. I finally got my caramel latte, and I went to find a table. I found a small table behind a plant, and took a seat. I pulled up the uber app on my phone, and chose a random green car. I let out a small chuckle at the memories of my friends and I smacking the hell out of each other as we rode in the car. Every time we saw an orange car, or a green car, or a Kia Soul, or a Volkswagen Beetle, or an emergency vehicle... this game was extensive. Anyway, every time we saw one of those cars, we would call out the name of it and smack someone in the car. Honestly it's surprising that we survived. I think all of us expected for us to die in a flaming car wreck after flying off a bridge or something. I get a text.
"Your Uber from Micheal will be arriving in 7 minutes."
Well that's fortunate, at least I won't be waiting long for the new hell I get to live in. I guess I'm lucky I only got sent to a catholic school, rather than a school for troubled youth. I think my parents are hoping that the Word of the Lord can straighten me out. The schools for troubled youth are more like prisons than schools, I've heard. You can't decorate your room, or have any personal items. They do room checks on a daily basis, and the food sucks. My friend Tucker filled me in on all this after he finally convinced his parents to bring him home from that god-forsaken school. It took long enough, he spent his freshman and sophomore year there. He's a year above me in school. Nobody really knows the exact details of what happened in eighth grade that got him sent to the Hellhole, but we're pretty sure it involved stealing a car, gasoline, and matches. We try not to ask him about it. I don't actually know how Samantha got into the group. She's the one good girl who managed to stick around in our friend group. The rest of us are rebellious as hell. I guess Sam is somewhat rebellious, by her standards at least. If Tucker picks up the group to go to a party at two am, then she'll sneak out her window and come with us. But she refuses to drink or smoke, and I doubt she has sex. She doesn't shoplift at all, and stays away from most things illegal. Basically the worst thing she'll do is sneak out. But in her eyes, she's rebellious, and that's what matters. My phone chimes once more.
"Your Uber from Micheal has arrived."
I stand up. grabbing my latte, and my suitcase, and I walk out the doors of the airport. I look for the car described, and finally see a bright green car. I'm lucky that the car ended up at this part of the airport, as I now realize I didn't specify where I was whatsoever. I open the door and push my suitcase into the seat, then slide in next to it.
"Hi I'm Micheal, I'll be your Uber driver for today." He introduces himself from the drivers seat.
"I'm Anastasia." I say in a monotone voice.
"Well jeez who pissed in your fruit loops this morning?" He asks in a humorous tone. You would think I would be annoyed, but his comment actually brought me a smile and a laugh.
"Nobody, I'm just being sent to Weston's Academy." I say, my tone dropping slightly on the last part of the sentence.
"Oh. Weston's. Well now I understand your sour mood." He says.
"You think Weston's is bad? Well that's great! Every person I've met has told me how amazing Weston's Catholic Academy is." I say, spatting the last three words.
"It's nice for some people, but for someone who doesn't want any interest in studying there, it's horrible. And I'm guessing that you don't want to study there, based off your tone." He explains.
"Well you've got that right." I say.
"Well let me give you some advice. There's a good amount of secret rooms around the campus, along with tunnels and such. The teachers like to use them to move from place to place faster, but they're relatively hard to find. Only use them after hours, otherwise you run the risk of running into a teacher, but they're quite fun to see." He explains.
"Where are they?" I ask.
"Well what's the fun if I tell you everything?" He asks.
"Alright yeah that makes sense." I say. We ride in silence for the next twenty minutes.
"We're nearing the Academy." He states. I groan.
"Oh it won't be that bad. Make some friends, I'm sure there's people here in the same situation as you." He says.
"I'm sure of it." I mutter sarcastically under my breath.
"I'm also sure of it." He says with a quiet laugh. We pull up to the front of the Academy. My jaw drops in awe. I thought this was a school, not a medieval castle. It looks like the size of a college campus, maybe even bigger. Man am I screwed. I open the door of the car, and step out. I sulk around to the other side of the car, and grab my suitcase.
"Good luck." Micheal says.
"Thanks." I breathe out, turning back to look at the colossal school. I hear the car pull away. I realize now that I am officially alone, thrown into a ginormous school full of unknown people. I start breathing slightly quicker. The playground. Think about the playground. Bright colors. A whole new world. I feel my breathing slow slightly. I arrived a few days before school started, my parents idea. I think they want me to get "adjusted". Like I can adjust to being thrown onto a whole damn new continent within two days. School starts on Monday, and today is Saturday. Maybe, if I'm lucky, I can go down into London before school starts. I take a deep breath, before walking into the enormous iron gates at the front of the school. Seriously, these things are like twice the height of me. God I miss Sam and Blair. I wish they were here with me at this stupid school. I put my earbuds into my ears, and turn up the volume, blasting 'Drain You' by Nirvana so loud you would think my earbuds would break. I look around as I walk down the cobblestone path leading around the quad. The entire school is made off cobblestone. The quad takes up almost the entire courtyard, and it's probably about the size of a football field. There's some scattered trees, but it's mainly just short-cut grass. I approach the massive entrance to the school. I look around again, still spotting absolutely nobody. I guess not many students arrive before school starts. Especially that the first couple of days are actually meant to get settled in. But of course, my whacko parents had to send me two days early, and allow me even more time to sulk alone. I walk through the large oak doors, making a mental note to come back and see the intricate design later.
"Hello?" I call into the hall.
"Hello, hello, hello." I hear my voice echo back to me. Well. This is spooky.
"Miss Davis?" I hear a voice from behind me. I turn around.
"Uhm yes, hi." I say with a small wave of my hand.
"I'm Mrs. White, the Headmaster of our school." She says with a small smile. I can't tell if I will like her or hate her. Suddenly her smile disappears as I see her look me up and down.
"What in the world are you wearing?"
Yep. I hate her.
"Uh clothes." I say.
"Why are you wearing those clothes?" She asks, with disgust in her voice. What is so bad about my clothes, god damn.
"They're comfortable." I retort back, probably letting a bit too much attitude slip into my voice, but I really don't care because it's not like I want to actually attend this school.
"Miss Davis. I suggest you drop the attitude, school hasn't even started yet." She says sternly.
"Yes ma'am." I say, lowering my head. I feel like a dog cowering away from its owner after being yelled at for eating the trash. She hands me a small, somewhat thick booklet.
"This should help you find your dorm room. We allow students to decorate however they wish, and there are biweekly dorm checks. Inside your student guide you will find a map of the campus, along with the school policies. I will see you at breakfast on Monday." She says, a sickening smile on her face, as if she hadn't just berated me for a damn Smiths shirt and shorts.
"I will see you then." I say. She turns and walks away from me. I stick out my tongue and flip her off. She enters the same door she came out of, I'm assuming her office, and then I'm alone again. I sigh. How can a sigh echo? Ugh. I open my student booklet. My room is supposed to be room 132, on the east side of the school. I try and figure out where I am now. Okay so front office, quad.... what the fuck? I sigh once more. I feel like this is going to be a year of sighs. I think I figured it out. So I'm in the main hall. I start walking forward and down the hall, towards the headmasters office, and past it. Okay so the east wing... I take a left? Right? Right. I take a right and continue walking down the long hallway. I reach the end and am once again, fully confused. I look at the map. Okay so I went down the main hall, then I took a right, then I went all the way to the end. Oh! My hallway should be right next to me. I look to my left. There's a little sign.
Dormitories 120-145
Yes! I found it. I walk into it and down about 20 feet. Here it is. Room 132. Thank god. I can't wait for a bed again. I've been flying for like ten hours and I really want to lay in a bed right now. I look in my booklet for instructions of how to open to door. I flip through some and find a little card, like the type you would use to open a hotel room. Not sure how I didn't notice it before, but hey it gets me into my room, I'm not complaining. I swipe the card and hear the door unlock. The room is enormous. No wonder this school is so expensive. Everything about it is fancy. I notice two queen sized beds, two dressers, and one window right in the middle of it all. There's no bathroom, and I groan at the thought of shared showers. Well if there's two beds, I must have a roommate. I looks from side to side. Which one do I want? I go with my instincts and take the right side. I throw my pillow onto the bed, I drop my bag and suitcase on the floor next to it, and flop down on my back.
"I wouldn't lay on that bare mattress if I were you."
"Agh!" I jump up with a small scream. I look to the source of the voice to see a tall, blonde-haired boy leaning against my door frame.
"Who- Who are you? And what are you doing here?" I ask him, tilting my head.
"Well I was walking back to my dorm, and happened to notice you left your door open." He explains.
"So you just- popped your head in? Seems a bit intrusive." I say.
"Wouldn't you do the same if you were the only person in this godforsaken school?" He retorts.
"Touché." I say.
"You still never answered my question." I say.
"Pardon?" He asks.
"Who are you?" I ask.    
"I'm Jaime. Jaime Wheeler." He says.
"Nice to meet you Jaime Wheeler." I say. I walk over towards him, and he backs up slightly through the doorframe and back out into the hallway. Then I smirk and give a little wave before shutting the door in his face.
"Oh c'mon!" I hear him yell through the door. I just let out a laugh that was surely audible on the other side of the door.
"Don't I even get to know your name?" He asks through the door.
"Seems as if you know more about me that I do you, Jaime Wheeler!" I shout back.
"We'll meet again luv. I'll see you soon." He laughs through the door. I just shake my head.
'Goodbye Jaime Wheeler!" I laugh.
"Goodbye mysterious new girl!" He says. I go to lay on the bed again, then remember what Jaime said. Don't lay on the mattress? I mean okay I guess. I'll take his advice, he seems like he's been here before. I pull my fitted sheet out of my suitcase. I put it on the bed as fast as humanly possible, and then pull out my comforter. Technically the school provides sheets and blankets, but since they gave the option to bring your own, I wanted to bring mine. I sleep terribly without my comforter. It's probably over twenty years old. My mom stole it from my uncle when he went off to college, years before I was born. I stole it from my mom, because it was comfortable. I throw it onto the bed, and jump into the bed. I curl up under the blanket in a little ball. Now the realization finally kicks in that I'm here, without all of my favorite people. I miss them. I let my eyes fill with tears, and I start crying softly. I unlock my phone and check the time. It's 2:00 pm here, which means it 6:00 am at home. I tap into instagram and into the group chat with Sam and Blair. I click on video chat, hoping they answer. They both pick up within the first three rings, and start bombarding me with questions. They soon take notice of my tear-covered face.
"Oh luv..." Sam says quietly.
"It's okay Ana. We miss you too. It'll be okay. They can't keep you there forever, right?" Blair says.
"Yea- Yeah yeah you're right." My voice breaks when I try talking.
"Do you wanna hear about how I kicked Tuck in the balls on accident yesterday?" Sam asks shyly. I let out a laugh through my tears.
"More than anything." I say.
"Okay so, we were at Tucks house, playing soccer right? And I was in the kitchen, practicing my kicks. And you know how he has that island in the middle right?" She asks.
"Yeah I remember." I answer.
"Okay well I was kicking on the side of it that leads into the hallway, the one right next to the kitchen? And he walked out and turned the corner right as I was doing a kick, and bam! Right in the nuts!" She exclaims. I let out a laugh.
"That sounds so hilarious, I wish I could've been there." I say.
"You would've loved it." Blair piped in.
"So? How's the school?" Sam asks.
"It's huge." I say.
"And are there any cute boys yet?" Blair asks.
"Well, there is a boy." I say, earning a chorus of hoots from the girls.
"Do you know his name?" Blair asks. If I give her his name, she'll probably find everything about him in a single second, a skill I taught her ages ago.
"Uhhhh." I say.
"You definitely know it." Sam says.
"Okay I do but I don't want you guys following him on social media or facetiming him because you somehow got his number, okay?" I explain.
"No promises. What's his name?" Blair asks, and I can hear the wink in her voice. I sigh. There's no way around this.
"Jaime Wheeler." I say.
"Ooh cute name." Sam says.
"Jaime Wheeler... Jaime Wheeler.... This him?" Blair says, sending a picture to the group chat. I check, and not to much surprise, see a picture of Jaime.
"Yep." I say.
"He's cute!" Sam exclaims.
"Yeah he really is." Blair confirms.
"Okay you guys. Have fun stalking the guy I have had little to no conversation with, try not to tell me everything about him please. I want to go take a nap now. Goodbye loves." I say.
"Love you!" Same says.
"Love you more!" Blair exclaims.
"Love you guys most!" I say before hanging up immediately. I lock my phone and set it on my bed next to me. I lay my head down on my pillow, and shut my eyes. I feel myself dozing off into sleep, and I pass out within ten minutes. 

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⏰ Última actualización: Feb 19, 2021 ⏰

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