Fight, Fight Over

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#Round I "The Meow Player" VS. "The Darn Better Turkish Player" 

Turkey: Hey you cat lover let's do a contest about who eats more

Greece: What is the prize?

Turkey: The winner visits Japan

Greece: Start then.

Turkey: *eats* *eats* *eats* *breath* eats* *eats*

Greece: *eats* *b-r-e-a-t-h-s* *eats*

Turkey: That's all, I won!

Greece: What about if we cook something!

Turkey: I will obviously win this 

Round II

Greece: *cooks fish* 

Turkey: *cooks sauce AND FASTER*

Greece: I


Turkey: So Jappy who's better?

Greece: I bet I won *strokes cat in his head*

Turkey: Be careful not to choke with cat's fur

Greece: At least I washed my hands

Turkey: Who said I didn't!!

Japan: Turkey's sauce is delicious

Turkey: HA! *jumps*

Japan: But Greece's fish is nice too

Turkey: Delicious beats nice eh?

Greece: Then who won?

Turkey: You don't see it's me?!

Greece: No, mine is NICE

Turkey: Mine is DELICIOUS

Greece: Mine is bigger

Turkey: Looks like a rotten fish

Greece: Well, it's a pure fish

Turkey: Mine has the best taste EVER

Greece: I don't think so

Turkey: Then you have envy~

Greece: *dark stare* 


*More Fight, fight, fight*

Japan: *sneaks camera*

Random fun & Hetalia~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang