Chapter 5

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You woke up in Draco's bed, but you soon realised he wasn't there. You thought about what happened last night and it made you so happy. You got butterflies whenever you thought of him - you couldn't wait to see him today

Assuming he had an early class, you got up and got showered and ready for the day. You walked to your first class of the day - defence against the dark arts. Draco was also in that class, the thought of sitting beside Draco excited you and you hurried into the class and took your seat.

Draco came into the class soon after you and looked straight in your direction, electricity ran through your body as you got flashbacks of the night before. What you would do to have Draco's hand firmly around your neck again.....

He came and sat down beside you

"Hi Draco" you said, smiling at him

"Hey" he said, you noticed he did not look at you, instead he didn't take his eyes off of his book

The whole time Draco never looked at you in the eyes once, he gave you blunt responses when you spoke to him and it seemed something was on his mind

After class, you shouted his name as he walked out of the door, he kept on walking and you felt confused, why was he acting like you were a stranger? Frustrated, you ran after him as he walked down an empty corridor

"DRACO! i know you hear me, wait" you shouted, he stopped walking slowly and turned around

"What?" he said to you, this time he looked you straight in the eyes

"Whats going on? why are you acting like i'm a stranger after last night, did last night mean nothing to you? i gues-" you were cut off mid sentence by Draco pushing you up against the wall, he held your hands against the wall either side of your face

"It meant so much to me, you don't even know...i haven't ever felt like this before y/n, i'm not good at this stuff - you deserve more than me, so i was going to leave you don't need someone like me" his eyes began to fill with tears and he looked down, he let your hands go

You looked at him and smiled, you pushed yourself off of the wall and lifted up his chin, you looked him in the eyes

"Oh Draco..." you softy kissed his lips, when you pulled away you saw a smile appear on his face

you looked at him and said "I've not known you for long Draco, but in the short time i have - i have felt so safe and secure with you, and make me so happy - i don't want you to distance yourself from me, please"

He smiled at you, his eyes appearing happier

"I haven't felt cared for before...until i met you - i'm just scared i mess things up, your so amazing" he touched your face

"You won't Draco, i want you"

"I'm yours y/n" he gave you a kiss on the forehead

"I'm yours, Draco Malfoy" you grabbed his hand and you walked back to your room together, Draco telling you how much he was glad he had you the whole way there, he apologised for being short with you today - telling you again how he was scared to accept his feelings

"You are something else, y/n, anyone else would kill for someone like you" he kissed you and pulled you in right for a hug.


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