Epilogue - Age 29

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It's been almost a year since anyone last heard Harry speak. He stopped singing. Stopped going on tour. 

He cries himself to sleep every night, sobbing Louis' name, reaching for the other side of the bed, only to find it empty.

He knows Louis would want him to be happy. But Louis was the only thing that made him happy. And now that he's gone, he doesn't see much worth in life anymore. Louis was every thing to him. And now his every thing is gone.

He was found by his mom, lying on the bed next to a piece of paper saying: I want to tell him I love him again.

Anne cries for everything she has lost. For Jay, Felicity, Louis, and now Harry too. She is thankful, though, that Harry lasted this long. She saw the way he looked at Louis, and how deflated he seemed after he died. She knows she is lucky to have had one last year with him, even if he wasn't himself.

"I'm sorry, my babies," she whispers into the night. "I'm sorry for what this world put you through. I hope you are happy where you are now. I love you."

"I love you," she can almost hear the wind whisper back.

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