Quasar's roommate

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One day, Quasar found himself really lonely so he figured he needed a roommate Quasar really wants his roommate to be a hot babe he is a real gentleman. So he got an apartment there he saw his new roommate. He was expecting a hot babe to be in his roommate but what he got was way worst than what he was thinking of.. He got a guy named winter as a roommate.

Winter POV: This Quasar guy looks really hot 👀. I mean im not gay or anything but he is just really hot i bet he know alot girls. I wish he could get me one.

Quasar: Hi is this my room? Winter is it?

Winter: Uh yes this is ur room hello

Quasar: Great you seem like a nice person who would do the dishes

Winter: (laughs)

Quasar: Ok im gonna go to bed now im very tired.

Winter: Sure have a great sleep!

Quasar: Thanks!

Quasar really likes to sleep naked. So he slept with no clothes. Winter then sneaks in Quasar's room and steals his underwear.

The next day..

Quasar: Winter have you seen my underwear??

Winter: Uh no..

Quasar then checks Winter's room and finds his underwear lying on his bed.

Quasar: What is this!???!!

Winter: Uh i can explain--

Quasar: No , no need i already know what is happening this happens to me a lot.

Quasar then slaps Winter. Quasar accidently turns into an owl. Quasar then goes back to his original form fast. Now that Winter saw his true form...Quasar had to kill him and send him to the world of the shadows. Winter is now put in an endless loop of pain and misery.

Quasar reported that his roommate Winter has gone missing. Quasar then got a new roommate and guess what.. Its a hot babe. Very hot in fact that Quasar needed her to be his girlfriend.

Quasar then sees his new roommate Catherine. Quasar was a very wealthy man and a pro gamer too and basically hes good at everything. Quasar paid Catherine to make Catherine his new girlfriend. Luckily for Quasar, Catherine was a prostitute so Catherine happily accepts his offer. Quasar now gets laid everyday.

Quasar's charmHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin