Chapter 1

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                    "So, are we going to go to the skating rink this weekend or the bowling alley?" Susan asked. I continued drawing in my sketchbook and answered, "I mean I like both either way, but if I had to choose, I think we should go to the skating rink." Susan smiled and said, "Ok then I can get my mom to take us!" I looked up from my sketchbook to Susan. "Sounds cool, I'll call you after school and we can talk more about it," I told her. "Alright V, I'm going to head to class now so I'm not late, bye!" Susan said as she left. I smiled softly and replied, "Bye!" While I was getting my stuff together, I saw the dumbest, rudest, bully of the school, with his little group of friends heading my way.

                   I gulped as they walked my way "Well if it isn't Rum our little friend," He said with a smirk across his face. "W-what do you want Arron?" I said a nervously. He snickered as if he knew I was afraid. "What's with the long face, what are you scared?" He asked as he grabbed my shoulder and said, "You should be." Suddenly he bashed my head against the lockers. My vision got blurry, I stumbled around as I put a hand on my head, I could already smell the metallic blood running down my head. I could hear Arron and his friends laughing in the background as a piercing ringing was going on in my head, then everything faded to black.

                 As I opened my eyes the murmurs and whispers reached my ears. Everything was black all I could see around me was darkness "W-who's there......?" I asked to no one in particular. The whispers got louder; I couldn't make out any words but the louder they got the more I could sound out the words. *Join us* I flinched as I made out the first sentence. Then there was another *Let us help* My eyes winded as some kind of ghostly figure appeared Infront of me. The figure looked like a young child. It spoke up and asked, "One of us...?"

              I dashed up from whatever I was laying on and breathed rapidly, sweat pouring down my face. I looked around the white and blue checkered room and noticed I was in the infirmary. "Oh, your awake," I heard an unknown female voice say. I looked toward the sound of the voice and saw Nurse Johnson, I looked around some more and thought -Who brought me here? - "Excuse me Nurse Johnson," I said to her. "Yes dear?" She asked. I looked down then back up and asked, "Who brought me here?" Nurse Johnson looked down trying to recall what happen and quickly said, "Oh yeah! I'm not entirely sure who did, someone knocked on my door and when I looked out to see who it was all i saw was you laying on the ground passed out." I looked down defeated to find out who brought me here. "Thank you, Nurse Johnson," I told her. "Oh, it's no biggie dear," She told me with a kind smile plastered on her face. She told me that I could go home for the rest of the day, so I did. On my way out I checked out a book of dreams from the library, time to see what that dream really meant...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2020 ⏰

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