Thank you for opening the ᵤₙofficial Jackbox Culinary Cookbook

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You may be wondering why this book states itself as ᵤₙofficial. Well it's because if i put that i won't get sued because i do not own any of this hahaha! 

So you opened this book because you probably want to eat the fucking games or one of the host's or hostess's fat a-nyways! I have not tested ANY of these recipes in this cookbook so that's probably concerning! So maybe doooon't attempt making these unless you know what you're doing 'cause i sure don't!

The reading of this cookbook is solely for comedic purposes and not for consumption (even though one book i ate kinda tasted good, but when you're a stupid idiot dumb-dumb child you just stick random thing in your mouth regardless if it looks or smells good!)

This cook book also includes

This cook book also includes

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for visual enjoyment!

From jelly donuts to caviar; this cookbooks got it!

Hopefully you don't regret opening this cookbook not intended for actual cooking!

Jackbox Culinary ᵤₙofficial CookbookWhere stories live. Discover now