12 - 12/13/2015

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December 13 2015. The day they decided to do their last concert. Last time One Direction would perform before the break. It was also the day Louis and Harry would decide what they would do.

    The tour was great, It was emotional, it was perfect. The four boys were incredibly sensible the last few days, they were excited to finally have time for themselves but they were ending an era and that was very emotional. Their final album was also a success, all the songs were loved by the public especially History. The one they wrote for the fans and the one they would perform at the X Factor in a few hours.

    Louis and Harry had developed some kind of friendship. They weren't what they used to be but they were still very professional and knew they had to keep the appearances. It wasn't that hard to adapt to the new status of their relationship, they were used to pretending that they weren't together so it was easy in parts. They did miss each other a lot, they cried and wanted to call each other but also understood that the time they were taking was necessary,  so they would hang on to that string of hope that at the end they'll be ok, that at the end they'll be together.

    Harry was the one with more hope, he had always been. He was out of the two the one who tried to see the positive. Louis was the one who was more realistic, he really used this time to take care of himself and of his mind. Also Louis had great news, he would be a father soon and that helped him so much, to know that there would be a life that was a part of him and that could never leave was hopeful and helpful. Harry was also very excited about the future new addition to the big family that was One Direction. He knew since forever that Louis would be the best dad out there.

    That night, december 13 2015 wasn't just about the baby that would come along very soon, it was also about closure. A closure for One Direction and a closure that both Harry and Louis really needed. They both agreed without any words, that the time to talk about it was back at the hotel they were staying, and after their last performance of course.

    The show happened and it was beautiful. It was touching. It was emotional. It was everything and more that the boys could ask for. After the X Factor performance all of them went back to the hotel. Where Lou and H would talk, finally. Harry thinking about everything went to Lou's room where he hoped they could talk.

    For Louis some much had changed, he was going to be a dad and that changed the way his mind worked, also he was heading to a journey where the boys weren't be a part of, he would be solo just like all of them but before that he wanted to travel so he could have some time without any work. Harry was excited too about going solo, he wanted to learn about who he was before he started this scary journey of being alone, in a good way. He knocked on Louis's door and he asked for Harry to come in.

don't let me break your beautiful heart  // a larry stylinson storyWhere stories live. Discover now