Maddies pov

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"Maddie come on we need to get to dance your going to be late"my mum shouts.
I throw on a ALDC t-shirt over the top of my new dance wear,grab my dance bag and head to the car.

"I'm in the front kenz"I shout,
"Fine...ile sit in the back with Maliboo then"
My mum then hops in the car,turns the key and were of to dance for the 4th time this week.

We pull up in the parking lot to see a extra car there which I've never seen before...we take no notice of it and walk inside.As soon as we walk through the ALDCS glass doors,i instantly recognised who it was...
It was LUCAS I've missed him so much it had been so long since we've seen each other.

"Lucas" I scream as I run up to him he instantly hugs me tight.
"Maddie it's been so long"he replies
"Yes too long"i say with a smile on my face,me and lucas have been friends for years but it's never been anything more than that but this time something felt different.

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