Chapter 3

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I check to see if I have all my weapons and other stuff on me I had four knife strapped to each thigh and two shot guns at my ribs a bullet proof jacket and bullet proof trousers and two packs of bullets wrapped round my stomach and a ak47 at my Side and my rope to get in as I'm supposed to be dead and I never got a ticket
Zayn's PoV
Tonight we had another concert I love performing for our fans but I'm still a little bit scared as it was only a month ago the venue we were in was blown up and I so grateful of that girl for saving perrie I honestly don't know what I would do if she died that night she's still a bit shaken up but she's back with the little mix girls all of the boys were sitting in our dressing room as in us 1d boys and the 5sos boys the 5sos boys were getting ready to go on stage in 5 minutes
Darcy's PoV
Have you ever seen a stage and above it there like a platform for thing to go down to the stage well I'm sitting on that platform looking to see if I can see anyone suspicious I can now see the 5sos boys coming up to the stage even though I've been watching them I miss them so much it's not the same as actually being with them I see a man dressed in all black in one of the box things I kinda like vip but he's alone and dressed in all black so I'm just going to check up on him I've got to the box unseen thankfully I standing above to see if I can hear anything and I can it's about 5 different voices so there's actually a squad of them this will be fun I jump down and chap on the door and move away as soon as the door open I throw a smoke Bomb in and I can hear them whispering say thing like who do you think that is and what are we going to do and get your guns ready so I look in and the smoke is out so I quietly go in putting my silencer on the gun and shoot all 5 men without anyone noticing I go back to the platform and and see a security man on the side but he has a gun so I climb back down and put my hand on his mouth and push him in a closet

D) who are you working for
SG) well that would be telling
So I switch my computer glasses on and see he has a wife called Mary and two sons one called jack and the other Scott
D) well well well what would your wife say about this
SG) I don't have a wife
D) so your not married to a Mary foster and you don't have two sons Jack and Scott
He looked terrified I put my gun to his head d) I will ask you again who do you work for
SG) the cia
I shot him and went back to the platform as I got there the boys were just leaving as 7 men three of them holding the 1d boys and about to grab the 5sos boys I jumped down and shot all 7 men grabbed the boys and ran to my van parked outside and started driving to my new safe house that no one knew about all the boys were quiet no word was spoken I drove into the water and the wheels turned into jets and I drove into the middle of the water and pressed the button on my keys for the house to come up and drive into the garage and soon the house started going back down i got out the van and opened the van
d) cmon boys lets go

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