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I don't like Rowling but, all these character belong to her anyway. Not my characters.

1. The only person who is allowed to call Hermione 'mione, is Ron

2. Ron loves to read books over Hermione's shoulder as she sits in his lap. She loves this too.

3. When Ron is tired, stressed out, or even just wants to, Hermione will have him lay his head in her lap, and she'll run her fingers through his hair.

4. They still laugh awkwardly after each kiss, although it doesn't feel awkward anymore. They both find it adorable when the other person does it.

5. Ron pays very close attention to whether Hermione ate food that day. Sometimes she studies so much she'll forget. 

6. They both only understand each other better than anyone else. (Aka: they know how to help one another when they are upset better than even their best friend or their family)

7. When Hermione has bad cramps, Ron will do whatever he can to help her feel better even though he doesn't always know what to do.

8. Ron often reads books that he saw Hermione reading before, it started out so he could have something to talk about with her, but now he does it because they share a similar taste in literature.

9. Hermione doesn't stay reserved in the slightest during conversations where Ron is the topic. She could talk about him all day.

10. They try to bake together and it always ends up with Ron doing most of the baking and Hermione covered in flour (and throwing lots at Ron)

11. Ron thinks Hermione is gorgeous wearing literally anything. Hermione feels the same way towards Ron.

12. Every Sunday Hermione and Ron drink tea together on their patio sometimes silently, sometimes talking and joking.

13. They still bicker but not nearly as often, not to mention it's almost always flirty.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2020 ⏰

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