Story im writing

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"Wh...where am I?" I slowly open my eyes and sit up. I look at my surroundings. "So...its dark, cold, and...oh!" I feel something drop onto my nose. Then my foot. Then my hand. A bunch of water droplets started to pour from the sky
"I..Is this rain?" I look up to the sky, seeing leaves getting water on my face and in my eyes. I stand up and wipe the droplets off my face. I think general Zerachiel said it's autumn in certain places on earth right now, but I wouldn't be too sure. I never pay attention in my lessons. I can still hear his raspy voice telling me "Onoel, if you want to become a warrior or a guardian, you need to pay attention". I chuckle at the thought. "Maybe I should have payed attention after all." I look down and notice I'm in a ditch. "Is this where I landed" I run up the side of the ditch to try and get out. I get my leg up on the level ground and I try to pull myself up. " it....NO!" I loose my griping and I fall back down to the bottom of the ditch. I sit there for a minute trying to think of how to get out. It was starting to get colder and the rain didn't help so I covered my head with my wings. ".....oh wait I have wings!I could just fly out! Why didn't I think of that before?!" I stand back up and get at least a foot of the ground before feeling a sharp pain coming from my right wing then falling back down "ow! What the..." I stretch my wing out to see what's wrong, I wince a little at the pain. I look at my wing and find the problem. "blood...?" I see blood, why do I see blood? I look a little closer and see a gash in my wing, probably from the fall. "Well, I guess flying out isn't an option" I stand back up. The ditch was probably 6ft or so, and I was 5'5. "Let's try this again" I run up the wall and grabbing onto the top of the ditch, digging my fingers into the ground a little. I get my left arm up next, then my right leg. I pull myself up and I crawl out. "Finally..." I lay on the ground for a little bit then I stood up. I look around, its dark but I can make out that I'm the woods. I just need to find out where.

Chapter 1

"Hurry up Bunny" I say going down a short hill on my bike.
"Alex Connor Lawrence! It's raining!" Bunny, my cousin, yelled at me while trying to keep up.
"Ok and?"
"Aaaand I dont wanna get wet come on cant we just go back"
"I heard something. I wanna see what it was. You didn't have to come you know"
"Well I wanted to until it started raining so can we please go back? We can just go in the morning, It will most likely still be here."
"That was a loud noise, people probably heard it, they'll come looking, so no. We have to find the source asap"
"What people? The nearest neighbors are 20 miles away. It will take them at least 40 minuets to an hour to drive here. Come on, its 10:30 pm, lets just turn back." I hear her stop, causing me to look back at her.
"Go back if you want to, I'm still goin-" I hit a rock in the ground and fall over.
"See this is why we should go back. It was probably an animal anyway" she says turning around and heading back .
"I'm fine by the way!" I yell sitting up. I pick up my bike and notice one of the tires are punctured. "Great. Just great" I say to myself. I look around and start walking. "The source should be around here somewhere...woah" I come across a ditch in the ground. "Bunny you seeing thi-" I turn around "oh right your not here" I turn back to the ditch and examine it. The ditch was about 6 by 6, 6 feet across and 6 feet deep. It had marks on the side, like someone had climbed out, or at least tried to. The thing that caught my eye though was one feather at the bottom of the ditch. I take out my phone and take a picture of the ditch, then I hop into it to grab the feather. I pick up the feather and take a picture of it. I send both pictures I took to Bunny.
B: what the heck?! Where is that?! Where are you?!
A: idk what it is but I'm at least 7 feet away from where I fell.
B: dude put the bird feather down. You don't want no bird deseses
B: *diseases
A: I don't think it's a bird feather. It seems a little different.
B: cause it probably has a disease. Put it down and come back and start packing.
A: I'm bringing back the feather.
B: N O.
"Like i'll do what she says" I carefully stick the feather in the back pocket of my jeans and climb out. I walk back to my bike and walk it back to the back patio of my cousins house. I walk into the house, tracking in some mud.
"The hell happened to you?" She asks sitting on the couch. She was wearing a pastel fluffy sweatshirt and black sweatpants and her brown wavy hair was soaked, she probably took a shower.
"The hell you think happened? I got in the ditch." I pull out the feather.
"I told you not to bring it back."
"Did you really think I would listen to you?" I put the feather back in my pocket.
"No, but still."
"I'm going to go take a shower and if you took up all the hot water I swear to god I will steal your knees while you sleep" I walk past the couch and to the stairs.
"I- what?"
"You heard me." I walk up the stairs and into the guest room, technically my room whenever I come over. I grab clothes and walk into the bathroom and look in the mirror. My reddish, orangish curly hair was somewhat soaked from being outside. I take off my faded blue sweatshirt, which was covered in mud, and throw it on the ground. I look at my white and red striped t-shirt. The bottom of it had some mud on it.  Then I remembered the feather. I took it out of my back pocket to examine it more. It was white, or at least some of it was since it also had some mud on it. I put It down on the counter and I take a shower.

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