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"I hate you," Lily scoffed as Brandon walked close behind her with a broom.

"Sweep, sweep, sweep!" Brandon sang as he swept at the floor behind Lily. "The President's Trophy means next to nothing when you're the victim of a SWEEP!"

"Brandon, knock it off!" Lily shoved her friend playfully. "Just because you won a playoff series for the first time ever doesn't mean you can be all up my ass about it. Just go to the Blue Jackets floor and celebrate with your weird Ohio people."

"Alright, alright," Brandon laughed as he backed off. "I was going to do that anyway. I just wanted to tease you a little bit first. Bye!"

Lily sighed. "See you later, Brandon."

After the conversation ended, Lily made her way over to one of the elevators, her platinum blond hair swaying behind her. She was attractive, tall, and outgoing, but those traits weren't important to her at all. The thing that Lily valued most was her love of the Tampa Bay Lightning. Lily had been raised in Carrollwood, Florida. Carrollwood was a suburb of Tampa, the city that the Tampa Bay Lightning called home.

Lily also happened to be the human soul of the Tampa Bay Lightning. This fact wasn't much of a surprise to people who knew about it. Lily could move at amazing speeds (which is why people often referred to her as "faster than lightning"), and she could shoot little bolts of real lightning from her fingers. Only a handful of other people in the world had this power, one of them being the Tampa Bay Lightning's own Andrei Vasilevskiy.

It was a shock to many people that sports teams actually had souls when the news went public in the early days of major league sports. They couldn't fathom how a form of entertainment developed by humans could have human souls of its own. Whenever they saw someone who they knew was the soul of a sports team, they stood in disbelief as they realized they were looking at the actual physical embodiment of a sports team.

The teams had grown used to these types of people by the modern age, so they continued to live their lives without worrying about any negative comments. This included Lily, who happened to be one of the most popular of the thirty-one teams in the National Hockey League.

Lily was a pretty woman with an interesting combination of blond hair and brown eyes. She was born and raised in a suburb of Tampa Bay, Florida, and was very proud of her state despite the very strange crimes that "Florida Man" always committed there.

When the Lightning were swept out of the playoffs, Lily was twenty-three years old and had just earned herself a job as part of the US Department of Health and Safety. Lily had also made it her goal to run for the House of Representatives when she was old enough in a few years.

She lived with her boyfriend Phil, who was the soul of the Florida Panthers, in an apartment in Sunrise, Florida. She never stayed for long, though. Lily was always traveling between NHL cities using a teleportation device that the teams simply called "The Machine." Lily used the Machine whenever her Lightning were playing in a city other than her home of Sunrise.

This unfortunately meant that she was now in Columbus, Ohio, surrounded by Blue Jackets fans celebrating their victory over her beloved team. She wanted to leave, but her boyfriend, a computer whiz just like Lily, was upstairs on the Chicago floor fixing a computer for a couple of Chicago Blackhawks fans.

She decided that she would visit him as he was doing his work. It was a win-win situation: she got to see the man she loved, and she could get away from the screams and cheers of joy coming from the mouths of Blue Jackets fans.

Lily decided to take the stairs, figuring that a little extra exercise wouldn't hurt. She went up one flight to the Colorado floor. She stopped momentarily to greet her friend Anastasia, the soul of the Colorado Avalanche, before continuing on her way. One flight later, she was on the Chicago floor.

Lily heard the faint sound of somebody playing "Chelsea Dagger" on their phone and a few Blackhawks fans singing along as she walked. Eventually, she arrived at the room and saw her boyfriend crouched under a desk, fixing some wires on a large desktop computer.

"Hey, babe," she smirked as she squatted down to his level. "Long time no see, huh?"

"Lily!" Phil turned to face his girlfriend with a big smile on his face. "I didn't even hear you coming! What are you doing here?"

"I came to watch you work," she said simply, giving Phil a shoulder squeeze.

"Then watch you may," Phil smiled and went back under his desk to continue his work.

Phil's extraordinary skill with computers was very interesting to Lily. She sat down next to him and watched him as he worked, marveling at the way his hands moved quickly to fix the computer's problem.

He was done working within a span of about ten minutes, and Lily and the Blackhawks fans who were using the computer were very impressed.

"Good job, babe!" Lily kissed him on the cheek. "You're so good at working with technology."

"Thank you," Phil smiled. "I'm as good at it as you are at politics, which is amazingly good."

Lily smiled. "That's why I will hopefully be a national representative sometime soon."

"Yeah," Phil added.

"Thank you for fixing our computer, Mr. Paterson," one of the Chicago fans said as he shook Phil's hand. He then turned and waved at Lily. "Hello, Miss."

"Hello there," Lily greeted him back. "Phil, babe, would you like to go to the planetarium? They have a light show in an hour, and tickets are being sold at the door."

"It's a date!" Phil exclaimed immediately as he and Lily left the room together. "I absolutely love space."

Lily nodded. "I'm a space nerd too."

"That's why we're a good match," Phil smiled sweetly as he kissed Lily on the cheek. "I'm going to go change into something more appealing. How about my NASA shirt?"

"Perfect!" Lily exclaimed. "I'll go change into my dress that's decorated with all of the Solar System objects."

"My space girl," Phil embraced Lily tightly before starting to make his way down to the Florida floor. Since the Tampa Bay floor was much farther away, Lily took the elevator.

As she waited for the elevator to descend to the right floor, Lily's head started to pound. The woman groaned, instantly growing very annoyed. These headaches had been bothering her for weeks on end, and the migraine pills that had been prescribed to her by her doctor weren't working at all. She'd lived with the pain for weeks now, but she decided right then that she'd go to the doctor as soon as the planetarium show was over.

By the time she reached her bedroom, Lily was seeing double, and she felt like she was going to be sick every time she breathed. This was the worst migraine of them all, and she knew right away that she wasn't going to make it through a second of the planetarium show without wanting to go home and sleep.

Lily sighed and walked over to her closet.

As she reached out to open the door, she fell to the ground and did not get back up.

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