WR ~ Part 4 ~ Shifting

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~ How to get to my DR ~

⟡ When I want to go to my DR, I go through a door on a wall, labelled with which DR it is. (To start, I'll only have one door (seen below), but as I shift to multiple DR, more doors will appear, each one labelled with what it leads to)

 (To start, I'll only have one door (seen below), but as I shift to multiple DR, more doors will appear, each one labelled with what it leads to)

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⟡ When I want to go back to my CR, I say "I'm in my current reality" - I can't ever forget this sentence.

⟡ When I want to go back to my WR, I say "I'm in my waiting room" - I can't ever forget this sentence.


⟡ When I'm in one of my DR's, time stops for all my other DR's

⟡ One year in my WR is one second for my DR and CR

⟡ Whenever I want to change something or if I need something, I'll use the Lifa App

⟡ I can't age in my WR, I can't die or get ill, and time doesn't exist there (it just rotates from day to night as it would normally)

⟡ I can come here whenever I want from any reality

⟡ I can manifest whatever I want through the Lifa App

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