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For OfficialConsent this one for you!

Pitter patter
Pitter patter
Belarus stopped dead in her tracks when she saw her lover sitting in a cafe with the g8  as she looked at she noticed how his wheat, blond hair slight waving in the air looking like a daffodil, his cerulean eyes shining brightly with hopes and dreams and held childish innocence and lastly his smile oh god his smile it was precious if you were to look at it even for a second you would feel all fuzzy and warm and it made you feel so special as if you were the most important thing to him. She smiled but it was short lived as she saw the nations getting a little too close....... so she went up to him and the other nations "ah! Hello Amerika and........ nations" she smiled at her lover but grew sour when facing the nations, this shocked all of them but before any of them could speak Belarus somehow managed to carry Alfred as if he were a damsel in distress "goodbye everyone and oh! I'll be taking him" she told the nations before running off we him as he kept on screaming

Yandere nations x AmericaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora