Chapter 2

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I went back inside our classroom as soon as the bell rang, the expression he gave earlier buzzed into my mind, did I somehow told something I shouldnt have?

If there is, it doesnt matter to me. Its not like Im concerned about it or anything.

I looked behind my back and saw him gazing at the window, 'what is he thinking right now?' I questioned myself, I guess what I said earlier wasnt a big deal for him. I started ignoring the thoughts that keep popping through my mind and then focused on the board.

"Okay class, go get your partner for the project that I would assign to you all"

'Partner, huh?'

As I sat there in silence, waiting to be called out while the class was already grouping by two, chit-chatting and laughing, guessing its another "Lonely" time for me, not that I care though, I admit that Im an anti-social person it keeps me safe from problems that arent worth my time to be solving about, while I was muttering all by myself, unexpectedly someone took my hand.

"Sir, Can me and Simpson be a pair?" Tyler requested bluntly.

"Sure, so its Hegans and Simpson then?" our teacher repeated as he took our names then wrote it in his notebook,


I struggled as I let go of his one big hand that seems to be holding mine for a bit long time, "What were you thinking!? You could've just joined the others! Don't be so kind to me like nothing happened around the rooftop incident earlier!"

I went back to my seat as I flip the next page of the book I am reading, not that interesting but its kind of handy to waste time. Not too long our teacher distributed our rubrics for the project, I suggested to go alone but he refused, like I have a choice, so Im going to be with Tyler for a while.

Class got dismissed early than expected, though I was assign to clean our dusty bookshelf that is filled with nothing but books where dirts and insects gather. Organizing them one by one, Alphabetical, of course. Im used to chores so I dont mind, continuing to what I am doing, three students were gossiping about something that can be easily to hear,

"Hey, did you know?"

"Hm? Know what?"

"Pfft, here comes the Queen of all gossips"

"Shut Up! Today is the day where that girl on class A-1 named, Louise was about to confess to a guy!"

"Louise? A-1? You mean Morgiana? The nerd who suddenly became a hottie when 3rd year stroke?"

"Woah, for real? Thats like, impossible! I remember she's with a guy who's a nerd too, isnt he in our classroom? Uhmm. Andrew? Andrew Simpson! Yeah-"

"Shut Up! He can hear you!"

Ignoring the three of them I still continued fixing all the stuffs that I was again assigned. Cant believe this, after getting harassed, after being paired, now Louise is going to confess? To who? Is it. That GUY?

"So I heard they are at the back of the school"

"Oh you mean the school garden?"


Leaving the shelf messy, I rushed downstairs, I have no time for prioritizing the books first, I need to get to Louise faster!

Seeing the garden made a nostalgic feeling of me and Louise, remembering all the days, especially the time where she started talking to me for the first time, we were getting attached to science that much that we made tons of ideas to create for the future purposes like for example; robots, moving dolls, A robot maid etc.

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