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Doesn't that feel strange how all throughout our adolescence we're told that subjects like mathematics are crucial as it will accompanied us "through the rest of our life", but then someday we become adults and don't even know how to nor why we should pay our taxes. I know how to find the well hidden Mr. x, but the notion of respect for others and the planet I live in has to be learned through my own experience and approach of life (and that is if I happen to be lucky enough to acknowledge it). 

I want to point out that in no way I am degrading or prioritizing one course over the other, as I believe that each has had their own share of contribution to our society. However I do believe that their is a root that cannot be neglected. One that is important and necessary to make humanity a better place. Imagine what could happen if in the future, we had a generation full of self absorbed people blindly pursuing life careers, with no other interests than money, power and peaceful retirement, having no grasp on what they are or why they are, passing possible trauma from one generation to another. 

Wait a minute... did I just resume the history of society in a nutshell?

Joke aside, although social evolution is something that has been part of our humanity, it's not until the last decades that it was able to see a very uprising light with it being directed on the idea of universal rights and freedom, with the fight against discrimination, sexism, homophobia, any type of hatred and violence of any type of form. Social justice was reshaped to be more inclusive, and despite the progress made, we can say that there is still a long road ahead. But what I want you to understand is that for each battle, it took one person, or a certain group of people to say: "Hold on this isn't right, this doesn't feel right". A mere thought that became a movement permitting others to come unite.

Now what's lacking that makes it still an ongoing battle, is that there are people being affected direct or indirectly (will discuss it in the next chapter) confronted by people who are against for personal beliefs. Diversity of opinions is normal, we can even say necessary. However opinions and actions based solely on hatred, self interests or refusal of the acceptance of others is the problem. Which means that no matter how huge the power of collectiveness is, there will always and always be loopholes.

Now to rejoin what I said in the beginning, what if I told you that to heal a sick society you solely have to cut the the rope of the illness and treat it with knowledge of concepts such as love, respect, collectivity? And no I am not talking about becoming a happy hippy spreading flowers in front of your neighbor's door. Just imagine the sick society being a pregnant woman, you can try and heal every single of her internal wounds knowing that because of the present damages it will be hard for it to completely succeed, some parts will heal and some other won't, however as she gives birth you can try and take care of the baby, give it the tools necessary to not repeat the same mistakes. That's where education comes to play a huge role, because what if I told you that hate is taught, assimilated but certainly not innate, that with the right environment, and the right tools we can build a safe and better place for each one of us? You're probably taking me as an extreme optimist who probably have her feet way too far away from the ground.

 But I will tell you... it took several optimists to make history change for the better. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2020 ⏰

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