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I walked in the door and went straight to the kitchen to get a snack.

"Hey Cadi, how was your day?" Dad asked, from the table.

"Weird." I said, grabbing an orange out of the fridge and sitting down across from him.

"How so?"

"Well first, when I was walking to school, I felt like someone was following me." I started.

"And was anyone?"

"I didn't see anyone. But then after school, I was walking and got taken down by a trash can and then Mom showed up. She wants me to live with her." I said, grabbing my phone out of my pocket.

"Didn't you already tell her no?" Dad questioned.

"Yes. And I did again today."

"Okay. Just checking."


Someone knocked on the door and dad was taking a nap. So I went to answer it. A man handed me an envelope and walked away.

'Confidential for Joshua Ramsay.' I read.

"What's that?" Dad asked, looking up at me from the couch.

"I don't know." I said, tossing the envelope at him.

I watched as he opened and read it. His jaw dropped and he threw the letter on the table. Pulling out his phone, he went out the back door and slammed it.

I walked over to the table, wondering what could have gotten him so upset. I grabbed the letter and began reading it.

It was a court notice, stating that my mom wanted to fight for my custody.

"Ugh how could she?!" I screamed as I ran down to my room, slammed the door and threw myself on the bed.

Being Josh Ramsay's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now