Finding Your Mate..Ch 21 AGAIN! (R)

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LOL ok guys if you can't see it after this idk what to do... here it is..AGAIN!


(Even though this is rated R this is my first attempt at something like this so it may not be all that great. And I still held back a little, not wanting to offend anyone...Idk I hope you all like it!)

Dedicated to Patsyloves2read for being the first to suggest a naughty chapter lol

****************RESTRICTED VERSION!!!***************

Vanessa’s POV:

Pain, gut wrenching pain that felt like it was clawing at my stomach was all I could concentrate on. In other planes of my mind I could register that I felt extremely hot and felt sweat dripping off of me like I was literally bathing in it.

I had been in a nice little 'Sleeping Beauty'-type dream when the cute little animals suddenly began to run away from me…next thing I know my skin feels like acid is dripping onto it and I notice my hands are uncontrollably clawing at my stomach as if I’m trying to rip it out.

I can’t completely come out of my dream-like state and I’m starting to think I shouldn’t try to if the pain is already this profound. I feel my throat get scratchy and sore and I assume that I’m screaming, but I can’t hear anything. Abruptly I feel two searing burns, one on each of my arms and they make the pain in my stomach worse. My throat is starting to go dry before the searing feelings on my arms lighten and are replaced with cooling hands. Slowly I start to feel the slow burn of my body lighten up. I can feel the heat from my toes and fingertips traveling inward, leaving a trail of coolness behind as one hand leaves my arm and trails up my leg causing a whimper to escape my throat.

I already know who this touch belongs too. It’s like his touch is awakening every nerve ending in my body; a seductive melody that only Caeden can strum. My hearing is starting to come back but everything sounds like it’s under water. And then I hear that magical voice that belongs to the only thing that matters to me right now. Caeden.

“Vanessa, everything’s going to be ok, I promise. I just need you to wake up for me.” He whispers against my ear as his hands continue to soothe the once painstakingly searing slow burn all over. I take a deep breath and then sigh contentedly into his embrace. I can tell that he knows I hear him because he becomes less stiff.

“Caeden…” I whisper, even though my own voice sounds far away I know that I’ll be better soon.

“It’s ok…I’m going to help.” He says before he places a refreshingly cool kiss on my lips, sparking that electric sensation I've grown to crave. We’ve kissed tons of times, but when I tell you, it’s never felt like this, I’m not kidding. This kiss feels like I am inhaling the cool winter air on a February morning, sending shivers of pleasure throughout my body uncontrollably. I respond, opening my mouth for him and feel as though the minty coolness of his breath has traveled straight down my throat putting out the slow burn in my stomach. But the ache in my center is more alive than ever as I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him closer to me.

He settles between my legs on top of me and then pulls back, allowing me to open my eyes and stare into those frosty blue orbs of his. But the look in them is anything but cold as they melt my heart, the ache in my center becomes more alive and wetness pools in my core and that’s when I realize. I need him, like I’ve never needed anyone before. And his lengthy hardened member against me lets me know that he feels the same.

“It’s just the heat love, but I can help if you’re sure this is what you want.” He says in a voice barely above a whisper, but not at all holding back the enchanting tone I’m not sure he knows he’s using. I can tell he doesn't want to rush our first time but he also wants to put me out of my misery.

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