Awkward situations

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After my outburst me and harry walked silently to go into the school
I bet we were late and the teachers would probably be mad
Harry left for his class and I went to mine
Mr Clest is going to be so angry
I knocked on the classroom door and a student opened it
"Miss Bervin why are you late to my class???"

Everyone looked at me as I looked ahead and back at Mr Clest
Lie was the only word floating around in my head
"I felt sick and threw up sir"
" Do you have a note from the nurse?"
"No I-
But I didn't even get to finish my explanation before he interrupted me
"Detention" he spoke loudly
"But that doesn't make any since. That's unfair"
I just walked to my seat and sat there in silence while I glared at my desk
I could hear whispers from everybody just mumbling to each other.
Throughout the whole class all I did was glare at the bald spot that sat at the back of the old mans head. Fucking Bastard I mumble
He turned to look at me and I just put my head down not even caring anymore

Class was over and harry stood there waiting for me
I wasn't surprised that much anymore
"What happened?" He questioned me
"Mr Clest gave me detention"
"Same here" I looked back at him and saw him smiling
"At least we'll both be there" he said as I thought about it
"Yea" was all I said and soon we were off to next period then lunch flew by and now I was already walking out the double doors of the schools entrance
As I was walking home a car came next to me
It was Harrys car.
"You want me to drive you back???"
"No I'm good, thanks"
I kept ignoring him and started walking again but he was still following very slowly
"Come on ema, don't be a buzz killer just get in"
"No harry go away" I groaned in annoyance
"Please just this once or I'll keep annoying you"
I gave in and got in the car with him. We drove back in silence with no music this time and the windows rolled up halfway

"Why what"
"Why can't you forget??"
I stayed silent and thought
"Because it's impossible, it's hard, it's .......... Unforgivable and will never be forgotten"

He didn't say anything after that
We were at my driveway and he waited for me to get off

"Stay safe" he said and I responded
"No promises"

I got out and walked to the front door of my house
I looked back and our eyes met
His eyebrows were scrunched up together as if he was thinking
He waved back and I just stared
I opened the door and harry left

"Hey sweetie how was school"

"It was good mom"

"You know Harrys trying so hard"
I sighed and got frustrated
"No mom he's just bugging me. I didn't ask him to, just stop bringing up the whole " he's trying so hard" b/c I'm not falling for it."

"Oh ema, what happened to you and him. You guys used to be so close"

"Yea we used to be. That was the past but now we're in the present."

"Then why are you still living in the past!!" She said loudly

"What are you talking about??"

"Ema you won't forget the past. You're still stuck in the past that you won't face reality. You need to get on with your life"

I scoffed
"I have a life?? I doubt that.
My life has been over a long time ago." I left her and went upstairs in my room
Shut and locked the door

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