The Chemistry Between Us

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Summary: This is a small snippet from the younger years of Old Friends and New Territories, but it could also be read as just a one shot. Y/n and Matthew are studying for a Chemistry test, but Y/n is having a hard time finding motivation so Matthew helps her find some.

Words: 2k

Warnings: fluff and lots of! Underaged make out and mention of arousal.

"Ugh, I hate chemistry. I will never need any of this," Y/n whined, flopping down on her bed. She and Matthew had been trying to study for a big test they had the next day, but she would much rather be drawing or making out.

Matthew sighed at his girlfriend's insistence on being difficult. They would probably be done by now if she would stop messing around and buckled down. "I kinda like chemistry. It's fun. I also have the cutest lab partner, even if she is kinda difficult and deliberately useless."

"Awww and hey!" She thawped him with a teddy bear that was at the foot of her bed.

"We would be done and doing other things if you would just try!"

Huffing, Y/n sat back up and pouted. "Fine... you sure you don't just want to make out?" she asked, giving him a flirty smile.

Matthew blushed as he looked down at his note cards and licked his lips. It was tempting. He loved making out with Y/n and ever since they made their promise things could get a little heated. Especially, when they were at her house and there were no parents to walk in on them.

But he knew that Y/n's chemistry grade wasn't the best and her mother had already threatened to stop their after school hang-outs if she didn't pull the grade up. That was not something either of them wanted, so he was determined to help her get at least a B on tomorrow's test.

Swallowing, Matthew got an idea that might help motivate his girlfriend to study. Clearing his throat, he suggested, "What if we made studying a game?"

Y/n interests were peeked and raising an eyebrow, she asked, "What kind of game?"

Matthew, still looking at his flashcards, smiled to himself, before looking up and explaining, "What if... we go through these note cards and for every right answer, I'll give you a kiss."

A slow smile spread across Y/n's face. "What happens if I get it wrong?"

"Umm, you don't get a kiss and it goes in the study pile and you have to study those cards before we can be done with this and actually get to the make-out portion of the evening."

Y/n giggled excitedly and sat up straight across from Matthew. "Okay, I'm ready! Wait! What do I get if I get them all right? Is there some grand prize?"

Matthew's eyes widened as he chuckled nervously and said, "I hadn't really thought that far ahead."

Y/n just smiled mischievously, and said, "Let's start!"

Matthew fidgeted with his cards a moment. He can only imagine what she had in mind. Clearing his throat again he started, "This contains protons and neutrons and all of the atom's mass."

"Atomic nucleus?" Y/n asked, after thinking for a second.

"Are you asking me or telling me?"

"Telling! Atomic nucleus."

Matthew quietly placed the card in front of him and Y/n pouted. She thought for sure she was right. When Matthew's lips turned up into a small smile and he leaned forward, Y/n beamed and clapped her hands together with excitement, leaning in to accept a quick peck for her reward.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2020 ⏰

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