Bride of the Ammo Baron

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"Ammo Baron was a buff cyclops military leader, a Baron of Sequin Land, a wealthy man and the oldest son of a Victorian era family. He was the trigger-happy and aggressive general of the Ammonian Army who plots to conquer all of Sequin Land. Though a bit of a sleazy jerk, he wasn't overtly evil. In fact, he had a high education regarding arts related with music. He was also regarded as a handsome known for miles around, which hints that he had a lot of girlfriends and suitors.

Then, Ammo Baron met a beautiful woman whom he fell deeply in love with and convinced her to help him take over Sequin Land using his charisma and charm. He even asked proposed to her and she agreed. Finally, the day arrived whereupon he was to be married. They agreed to meet under the cover of night at 12 AM under an old oak tree out in the woods. On that foggy night, Ammo Baron snuck out dressed in the white version of his outfit and carried his entire fortune along with the family jewels in his ship, the last at his fiancée's request. He looked radiant as he stood at the under the oak tree, in his white wedding attire.

After waiting in the dark forest for some time, he never saw the terrible event coming! A sword pierced through his chest from behind, fatally wounding him. As he collapsed to the floor, he saw his bride-to-be, holding the same sword that stabbed him. It turns out that his fiancée never loved him, she only proposed to him so that she could kill him and steal his fortune. Then, she robbed him and left him in the woods to die.

Later that morning, his Ammonian Soldiers found him dead lying under the tree. The next day, they buried him in his wedding attire in the Sequin Land cemetery. With Ammo Baron dead, his army disbanded and many of his girlfriends and suitors were heartbroken and the other Barons, including his brother, Armor Baron were devastated.

Later, when Ammo Baron's killer and ex-fiancée was caught red-handed by the Sequin Palace's Royal Guards, she was revealed to be the infamous Risky Boots, self-proclaimed 'Queen of the Seven Seas' who was known throughout Sequin Land for her love of wealth, power and all shiny things. It is also revealed that she had killed not only Ammo Baron, but thirty-seven other men that she 'people' to and robbed. She was arrested, exiled and sentenced for life for piracy, theft and mass murder and sent to an unknown prison where she would never be seen again.

Although Ammo Baron was avenged, it appears that only one thing remained...his ghost. Ever since his death, he rose from beyond the grave and remained in the Sequin Land Cemetery, haunting the grounds, wandering amongst the tombstones and scaring anyone who comes near his grave. Although he is unable to take over Sequin Land after his death, he has unfinished business: he made a vow that he would search his true love to ask for her hand in marriage and make her his bride so that they'll be together forever. He tried doing that to all his girlfriends, but ends up scaring them away. However, he never gave up and continues to haunt the Sequin Land Cemetery until his unfinished business has been fulfilled, thus setting him free.

As years passed, he still haunts the cemetery while searching for his true love."

We see Rose reading an urban legend about it at the library and she assumed that it was a myth.

Rose: This has to be a myth. I'm gonna go check it out for myself.. *she later gotten dressed and goes towards the cemetery* i wonder if that is really true..

When she arrived, she sees old tombstones around her, some with flowers that are either fake or decaying and others without flowers.

Rose: *she looks at them and sighs* People can do some crazy and insane things

Suddenly, she noticed a tombstone with a white rose on it. Unlike the other flowers, this one is real and didn't wilt away, it remained beautiful.

Rose: Woah.. it's so beautiful.. hehe.. *she smiles while looking at it*

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