The Greedy heart

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Few tears can't stop me to love you,

I am greedy of your cuddle,

Your nonsense abuses can't take you away,

I am greedy of your love puzzle,

Your breath has my feelings and mine has yours,

Our lips has shared kisses more,

Your those lips cutting kisses makes me greedy,

Now  I became more needy,

Your mysterious strikes which warm my body in cold nights,

I have the warmth of your love bites,

I am greedy of your those warm nights,

Lovely caressing... lovely fights,

Everything yours is unique and fabulous,

Your attitude and gratitude is marvelous,

I am willing to revolt for them,

I am willing to revolt for our relationship name,

Your eyes can be heedless and criminal in displaying my love,

I am greedy of your those fomer charming and naughty eyes,

Which says always i m wise,

We have oaths taken near the sea sore,

We live together.. never get bore,

Never let you discard my faith,

Come on my love I am missing you badly.... please come on

See my arms are open to give you warm welcome..... please come on

I am greedy of your punctual routine..........please come on

I am greedy of our eternal love life........ please come on

                             _Ankit Singh Harsh

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