sept 28, 2020

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Okay so I dont know how long ago I wrote the first part but I will asume that i was a literal child. I am 19 now, back then i was probably like 14.

Coronavirus has taken over and Trump deserves death. This year was tough for my mom, she had a 2 month period starting May and she almost died i suppose. Its not a fact but you should remember all that pain she had and how she layed in bed all day without being diagnosed with anything. Very sad when you could only sit by her and cry. So sad that you couldn't do anything while she groaned and cried because of all the pain and how she couldn't breath. She was basically bed ridden.. poor momma. The reason why was because of all the blood loss,, she was left with no blood cells to carry enough oxygen throughout her body. Remember how scary those times where she would just start choking on nothing out of no where jeez louise frightening. She is okay now, she had a hysterectomy and feels better but was left with anxiety and depression because of the trauma. You pray you will pass your classes and that she never goes through that again.

This is real life. I dont have anything else to say.

Ivy is my closest friend at the moment which I hope stays that way, he's a cool dude. He wants to be more than friends but you really like your friendship and know you make a bad partner. He's cute and all but you honestly just wanna have a chance with a gorl before you get into another relationship. Maybe you'll change your mind idk who knows, your just greatful hes still your pal even after you said no ❤. Your semi crush on Lizard has faded since she wants to answer late as freak . And hmmmm you might simp again if she redeems herself somehow but you're better off just forgetting about her, im 99% sure she is a heterosexual gorl. Im 99% sure you are a bisexual gorl and thats cool except you will never officially confirm your attraction to women because you're a fokin awkward biatch who doesnt know how to flirt with anyone you pathetic loser hahahahaha.

You've gotten a bit better at drawing digitally and you got a cool white guitar for your birthday and what else and you are writing this at 3am. Oh and you are trying to lose weight. So far you went from 155 pounds and hit 149. You keep teetering between 149-150 which is annoying and a few days ago you touched 158 woooooooo. Now you gotta work out and keep eating like a goat so that you can be skinnniiiii but not really. YOUR GOAL IS KORRA AHHH SHES SO COOOOL IM SO JEALOUS OF HWR AAAGGHJH. Ok ok calm down shes not all that okay I LIED UGGGH WHY IS SHE SO COOOLA ND SHE HAS A PRETTY GIRLFRIEND AHHHHH. Ughhh i wanna be the avatar too fuuckk. I'd be siiiiiccck. I really like bad ass women man, like I really look up to them. I hope one day I get to be as cool as korra jeeeeeezzz.

Anyways...You hope that you do well in your first chem exam and that everything will be alright. Good luck to you, future johanna. Well see whens the next time you remember that you started writing this life of johanna journal thing.

Goodbye for now.

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