~10~non existent betrayal~

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I'm sorry about the late update , my phone is being mean to me . I'll post a chapter and it will delete it self ,I'm really sorry ♥️

Thalia's Pov

We are on our way back to Italy because apparently someone is trying to steal from me ,I thought no one has the balls to attempt to steal from me. But apparently I stand corrected , I am supposed to be one of the most feared mobsters in the world why the hell is someone trying to steal from me , I feel angry not for the fact that I was almost stolen from but for the fact that I am not as feared as I thought .

We board our private jet back to italy. "How did a woman make it to the top of the mafia?" Sage asks me probably because she is still a bit nervous of being in the mafia . "Well it is my birth right , but I am the first female mafia leader in over sixty years ." I say educating her on my fucked up life. "Not that , I mean how did you gain their trust , because it is a very obvious fact that all of them love you just as much as you love them even though you would never show it or say it " she says pointing towards Giovanni , Andre and Angelo .

I pet Mr snuggles a few times before answering.  " Well being in the mafia takes a whole lot of courage, you have to gain their trust. The first thing people think when someone says I'm in the mafia , even though we don't say it like that because we are sworn to a code of secrecy" I say showing the tattoo on my wrist which reads

'silenzio fino alla morte'

Which means 'silent till death'. "Being in the mafia is so much more that just playing with guns, it's so much more that just killing without hesitation , it's making a bond with family that's not by blood. Gain their trust , show them that you always got their backs , make them feel like your their mama. Then you can pick the kind of leader you want to be . The me kind which is the only kind you can be in a mafia"

" And what kind is that " she asks , " well the kind that will not hesitate to put you six feet underground, the kind that will unreluctantly put a bullet in your skull." I say non chalantly and everyone suddenly moves away from me looking at me like I'm some kind of virus or something .

We get of the jet in like an hour or two after our little talk , we see some of our men by the entrance and we walk over to them . They look so cute that's because I personally hand pick most of their outfits do they look absolutely stunning everywhere they go. I get into the car with mr snuggles aka Aiden a name I stole from my best friend to give my dog , my lover , my husband in the eyes of the mafia .

We get to the compound and we pass through the first gate which is a retina eye scan security then the next one is the finger print then we get to the manual one where our men stand by the last gates . Once the car comes to a stop we all jump out and speed off towards the ware house where they are holding the ole buruku. When we get to the ware house I stop by the weapons wall to pick some equipmennts to get our thief to talk , I pick a round knifey thingy
Then walk over to the person to my greatest surprise it's a woman. "Oh hello there Mrs black beard , how is the family " I say with an award winning smile holding my hands out for a hand shake , She growls at me , she growled at me ," did she just freaking growl ?" Angelo says in pure disbelief . "Apparently " I say turning to him . "Bellissima were you raised by wolves?" Giovanni says earning a glare from everyone in the room , "okay I'm sorry about all these untrained  gorillas you have to put up with, I'm nicer" I say with a smile earning a kind of disapproving cough from everyone in the room , I just ignore their childish antiques and face back to the she wolf here .

"Who sent you " I ask , "the Russian mobster " she spits , "bitch don't fucking lie to me " I say suddenly getting angry , " I'm not lying " she spits again having no fear of what I can do to her , "torture her till she talks" with that I leave the room walking like the drunkard I'm about to become once I get to my office .

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