The Sercret Revealed

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“I hate you!” was the last word she clearly hear from her oldest before it began. It was the last thing that He had heard from the eldest from her actually speaking to him. The eldest cried. Not just because she had lost her brother, that the monsters were underground for at least 3 months. She told her parents that she hated them. She knew that her little brother was gone but she didn’t want to actually believe it. She even believed that they were actually going to go fight her little brother. She made herself believe that they were going to war with a little kid that did nothing wrong. Her twin knew this but was as upset with her as well that she also said something terrible. Then she went after their parents. Four others following. Zipfire, Sunshine, Day and Night followed Daylara unknowingly going their last sight of their parents alive. The eldest following a bit behind but not to far away to were she can’t follow them a bit.

Frisk’s p.o.v:

    I was down in the underground for a day. Wow. I smile as I look out over the land from exit of the underground. Toriel was on my left and Asgore on my right. The others had left to go help the monsters to start moving to the surface. I smiled softly even though I knew I would have to face the truth that is Nightlara. My eldest sister would have been worried sick or even worse. I didn’t want to think of that though. I honestly didn’t know if I was going to survive the fall or survive the underground. Sure I had to reload a save like 4 times and reset twice. That made it feel more like 2 or 3 days. I sighed as Toriel and Asgore went back talking and sorting things out. Flower Had decided to finally tell them not too long ago. He told them the he was Asriel but he couldn’t feel anything the they felt for him since he was soulless.

“Whatcha thinking about frisk?”  Flowey asked me.

“Im just thinking how everything will be tomorrow.” I say telling somewhat of the truth.

“I know theres more then that. Im not stupid. But im also not going to force anything out, surprisingly. I honestly want to meet my parent’s old friends. They used to talk so much about them. Kings and Queens alike but yet sooo different. I can’t believe its only been 12 years since we have been on the surface. Its so beautiful.” Flowey says. Obviously he still had a bit of Asriel in him. If only he had a soul so he could have his normal body… Wait

“Hey, do you want me to call you Asriel or flowey or both depending on the form you have?” I asked flowey.

“Ummm Both? Why do you ask?” Flowey asked like I was insane.

“Well I know someone who can possibly help you get a soul without killing anyone.” I say.

“WAIT WHAT!? ISN”T THAT LIKE IMPOSSIBLE?!” flowey asked yelling.

“ Flowey dear, it is not that impossible. However, Frisk, I did not know that you knew either a really powerful guardian or one of the royals of the guardian kingdom or a singer.” Toriel said. Singer, what a funny last name isn’t it? A curse SHE says softly

“Y-ya… I guess you can say that.” I say. Yes I knew a Royal or two… Ok I know all of toriel’s old friends kids mainly because I was one of them. Frisk Iris Singer. Yes, Im a singer… im actually one of 4 sisters remaining. Granted one is actually adopted but hey, she still is a singer. Like I said earlier, I still have to face the truth that is my older sister Nightlara Rose Singer in the morning. 

“Is there something bothering you my child?” Toriel asked.

“ Nothing really…. Hey toriel, Do you remember the names of your old friends?” I asked Toriel.

“Yes I do.”

“What are their names?” Flowey asked.

“Well there was, Garliana, Cyan, Kindfire, Jonathan, Mafasua, Sarabi, Derik, Hanna, Silina, Drade, Natura, and Nightfire.” Toriel said. I thought a bit, I knew Garliana, Cyan, Hanna and Derik were still alive from them.

“However, I do believe that Mafasa and Sarabi has past.” She wasn’t wrong there. Sarabi had past from old age and Mafasa was killed by his brother, Scar. 

“Yep, I heard that their son Simba had a girl and two boys but sadily the oldest boy didn’t make it. So now their daughter, Kiara is now in line to rule. I think his youngest son is also now ruling along side the new queen of the tree of life.” I say. I knew that was all true but hey, cant really say that I know it.

“You, Heard?” Toriel asked.

“Yep, I heard this from my Friend that is a guardian.” I say.

“Oh. Ok. Well, Its time we should get going. We are going to the town first thing in the morning.” Toriel said. I nodded and followed her as she held the pot Flowey was in. And yes, We did put him in a pot for now. 

“Frisk, What's really bothering you? I can tell something is bothering you.” Flowey asked after about ten minutes of laying down for the night.

“The truth I have to face tomorrow that is my sister.” I say

“You have a sister? Is she Younger or older then you?” asriel asked.

“Honestly, I have a whole bunch of sisters but I keep track of only Three of them. Two older then me and one a few weeks younger then me. She was adopted.” I say. I mean it was true. I keep track of the ones that are alive. There was Nightlara and Fluttershy who were alive and Then Moonlight who is just a few weeks younger than me. They are alive. Then there is Daylare, Sunshine, Zipfire, Chara, Day, and Night who are my dead sisters.

“How many sisters do you have?” Flowey asks.

“Well I have 9 sisters and A brother.” I say. Starfire was our brother. He was born a shadow. Mom and Dad Believes its because they bother have at least some Shadow in them and the genes went to Starfire. 

“Oh? That is a lot of kids for a small family to have…. Actually I dont think its such a small family with that many kids. So why do you only keep track of Three of them? Is it because The others moved out?” Flowey asked.

“No. Dont tell anyone about this please. I only keep track of three mainly because that is how many are Alive.” I say

“ The rest died? What were their names and WHy did they past?”

 “Well the ones that had past was Daylara, Sunshine, Zipfire, Day, Night, and…. Someone who fell down about 9 years ago…. You actually knew them quiet well” I say softly.

“I knew them? Wait, you dont mean…. Do you?”

“ Chara, Ya. Actually her real cause of death was a shadow bite she had gotten on her way up to the mountain. It was a small one so her magic fought it as she was down here and even though it was going, I assume that when she ate the flowers, they helped manifest the bite.” I say

“How do you know?”

“My full name is Frisk Iris Singer…. Chara, was Chara Cardinal Singer.” I say.

“Your… A singer... Frisk?” I hear a voice from the doorway say

“ How much did you hear Toriel?”

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