"A letter to middle school self"

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Warning, this is a bit personal for me, I have lots of regrets from middle school cause I was a hormonal piece of shit, so proceed with caution. 

A letter to 13 year old self

Dear 13 year old me,

How you doing? I know it's been a while since we last talked. But I have some things to say. And I'm gonna be calling you out a lot in this so pull up a chair, we're gonna be here for a while

What in god's name were you thinking? You need to stop being so self centered and thinking that you're always the victim in situation. You basically bullied a guy by giving your teammates your phone where they constantly said they would beat him up, and then when he breaks up with you, you think you're the victim. You were being toxic. And come on man, that was a middle school relationship, you know for a fact that those things wouldn't last. Plus, that little "date" you went on to see that movie, that was awkward as hell and you knew it.

Also, why the fuck did you go around with that notebook? I know that we were in a bad place mentally back then, BUT YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO GO AROUND LIKE IT WAS A TROPHY OR SOMETHING?!?!? Like what did you gain from that. Mental illness isn't a joke, it doesn't make you unique or quirky.

Not to mention that time in 6th grade where you literally bullied some because they broke up with you. YOU LITERALLY DATED HIM FOR LESS THAN A WEEK, AND HE WAS ALREADY GOING THROUGH STUFF AT THE MOMENT. YOU HAD NO RIGHT TO GO AND CUSS HIM OUT FOR NO REASON!!! HE DID NOTHING WRONG.

Ohh, you think I'm done. Back in the beginning of 7th grade, you cut someone off AGAIN, just cause they broke up with you. I will say it again, MIDDLE! SCHOOL! RELATIONSHIPS! DONT! LAST!!!

*sigh* Look I know that you may never find this, because you know, time is a b!tch, and even in this letter, I'm just calling you out. You probably think that you're a god awful person. You're not a bad person, you're amazing and hardworking (when you're not distracted) and wonderful person.You just need to be less impulsive and not immediately think you're in the right. Use your head, look back at your actions in situations, not just other peoples.

I'll let in on a little secret, you made it into that dance program. You were on Bombshells time for a year. And you have an amazing glow up.

There may be ups and downs in life, you'll come to find that out later. Just know that you'll get through it. Stay strong


High school freshman you

P.S. You also become a huge weeb and start liking anime characters and while that does sound kinda sad, life couldn't be better, and I mean that. See ya!

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