15. Hospital (edited)

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Betty Pov

Jughead places me quickly infront of him on the bike, and gets on behind me. To say this all didn't hurt would be a complete lie, but what else should we do?

If riding on a bike half dead means that I'll survive I'd do it a thousand times.

By the way I defenitely don't want to call Fp because he was already suspicious of that idea but in the end gave me his trust, and mom would know about that too and I really don't need that.

She would defenitely put me down, and search the mistake in my doings.

Speeding off, being followed by the other two guys, the cold gush of wind feels really good since my body feels like it is completely on fire.

During the ride I just zone out, not wanting to feel the pain, that radiates through my body, anymore.

Suddenly I feel the bike come to a stop, snapping me back into reality. We were right infront of the hospital entrance.

Feeling arms under my armpits lifting me up, I realize again how tired I am. I wonder how I came back to conciousness after I blacked out before. 

From the musky cologne I immidiately know who is carrying me bridal style in the muscular arms. I look up at Jughead, studying his face, with mixed emotions. 

Anger, worry, sadness maybe even guilt, not to mention that I am the one who should feel guilty since I thought it would be necerssarily to say yes to going to the new club.

More light shines in my face as we enter the hospital, the two boys behind us looking like bodyguards. Feeling Jughead rush to the reception he and the other boys scream for help, which quickly came.

Nurses with a rollable bed rush towards me and I am soon placed on one too. My vision was already foggy and it just got more. Trying to keep my droopy eyelids open, I could see Jughead waving his arms franctically around, arguing with the nurses about I don't know what.

There was so much ringing in my ears, it hurt my head, which was by the way also throbbing. While loosing conciousness I felt myself being rolled away, falling into darkness.

Jughead Pov

After arguing a long time with the nurses to go with Betty and they told me no, me Fangs and Sweet Pea watch as Betty is brought away through some heavy metal doors. 

Sighing I run a hand over my face, angry that dad let her go so easily and angry at myself that I didn't insist on coming with her.

Turning around to the two boy who were seated already in the waiting room we were in, I scowl at them.

They smile sheeply, and guilty at me, knowing for what I am angry at them. They were the ones who told me to not worry and that she is fine.

''Look Jones we're-'' I sit on the chair in between my two bestfriends, I shake my head and sigh.

''It's fine. You couldn't know if something would happen to her. In the end I also thought she was safe at her friends house and could take care of herself there'' I anwer sadly while both of them nod and Sweet Pea pats my shoulder.

How I wish she hadn't and doesn't have to go through that pain.


I don't know how late it was by now, what I knew was that it was really late because the two idiots next to me where sound asleep and I was hella tired.

The night sky was getting brighter so I guess around 5 am, maybe? Wow, we were up all night then. Anyways it doesn't matter how hard I try, I just couldn't get myself to sleep, I couldn't even try it. My leg was bouncing up and down since hours straight.

Everytime a nurse came in I would stop for short, hoping it will be news on Betty.

But everytime someone came out, it was not for us.

Suddenly a nurse appeared again, and I didn't even bother looking up from my fiddling fingers in my lap. I already know it's not for us, making me worry more, what takes so long on Betty.

''Who is here for Elizabeth Cooper?'' A voice came from infront of me, making my head snap towards it. 


''I am'' I spoke up quickly, nearly lost my voice before.

I fastly stand up, looking to my left and right, deciding not to wake them up. There is probably only one person allowed in anyway.

The nurse finally approached me with a small smile on her face. She was an eldery woman, I think around her forties, short blonde hair and a wrinkled face. All in all she looked really nice. 

''Hello, I am nurse West and I helped treating Elizabeth Cooper. You are her...step-brother right?'' She asks whilst looking at her clip board and up to my face again. 

I nod anxiously, not knowing if she will ask for our parents or not. 

''Your parents?'' She asks slowely. Ah there went the question I dreaded.

''Yes, they will come shortly, could you tell me what happened to Betty'' I ask, my hands shaking.

''Sure dear.'' She smiles sadly. ''I'll bring you to her room first. There we can discuss it, yes?'' I like how nice she is. Not all nurses are like this.

I once broke my wrist because I had an accident with my motorcycle, when I was 12 years old. My nurse that treated me after I got out of surgery was old, cranky and moody. She would always scowl at me and throw me dirty glances, not to forget she would always complain if I asked her to get me something.

Anyway I nod to confirm it is okay to go to Betty's room. Smiling she turns around, telling me to follow her lead.

After passing a lot of rooms, and I mean a lot because she was stationed in room 544 I think, we finally reached her room.

Quietly the nurse opened the door, telling me that Betty was currently still sleeping. I am really not good at being quiet, but now I really tried. I know Betty needs all the sleep she can get right now.

I take a seat next to the bed and grasp Betty's hand softly, caressing it. Nurse West stands on the end of the bed, looking at her clip board again.

''Sooo...as you see she made it perfectly fine and is now sleeping.'' She started off but I have a feeling there is a 'but'.

''But-'' She started again. 

I told you so.

''-she had an internal bleeding, which we gladly could manage.'' I suck in deep breath. An internal bleeding is nothing to joke about. That's how my mother died, after giving birth to me, something ripped or so, and she died from the bleeding.

''The other bruises and cuts were easy to heal, should swell off soon. Here is already a container with her prescripted pain killers and meds. She should always take them infront every meal, so three times a day, yes?'' Nurse West smiles again, which I just can give back. 

''And now the last part, no school, no sports, no heavy physical things like that, for the next months just bed rest. Easy meals like some suppers and stuff, because her stomach needs to get used to it.'' I nod again, because of the loss of words.

''T-thank you, nurse West'' I stammer out. Before she leaves she tells me I should call her when our parents arrive, so she can talk to them too. 

After that being said, she left me with a unconscious Betty next to me. Studying her face, I scrunch up my face imagining how painful that must've been.

Sighing in exhaustion I lean back, quickly calling my dad to bring Alice and come to the hospital and then quickly hanging up, not telling the reason why. 

I know you think, bringing Alice? Why?

But I think she should know, what happens to her daughter.

Closing my eyes I still hold Betty's hand stroking it, feeling myself slip into a deep sleep.

I hope you still like my story.
I don't really do but I'll continue.
Maybe it'll get better.
Have a great day/night my bubus♡

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