(Saiki X Teruhashi) Saiki K: The Office AU

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Character List:

Saiki: Jim

Teruhashi: Pam

Hairo: Michael

Saiko: Roy

Toritsuka: Kevin

Chiyo: Angela

TW: Mentions of verbal abuse by a partner

Saiki slumped down in his office chair when Teruhashi arrived at work. She set her things down and smiled at him, as always. They had sort of a strange routine that only they knew about, not even Saiko, Teruhashi's husband. She got up and made herself a coffee, tired as ever because Saiko wanted a snack at three AM, and he didn't want to get up. This happened quite often, and it seemed like Teruhashi was always his obedient servant. Four minutes went by, and as expected Teruhashi sat back down, coffee in hand. At that moment Saiki stood from his chair and walked toward her, pretending not to know what to expect. Everyone else in the office thought he was always pissed off, but really he couldn't help looking so intimidating. It was just his resting face. People were also put off by how monotone his voice was all the time, but again, he couldn't help it. He only looked and sounded exited on Pretzel Day, which he argued was a national holiday. He made his way over to Teruhashi's desk, and stared blankly at her until she looked up. Weirdly enough, it seemed like she was always smiling. Always in a cheerful mood, no matter what. People thought she was irritated by Saiki being at her desk, but really it was the highlight of her day. It was the only time when she got to act like herself instead of putting on an act all the time. See, Saiko threatened to divorce her if she didn't act like the "perfect pretty girl", he wanted everyone to be jealous of him. The thing is though, they already were. Everyone longed to be with Teruhashi, unfortunately only because of her beauty on the outside. Teruhashi looked up and panicked for a second, she realized she let her guard down for a while and wasn't smiling. Of course Saiki noticed her shock, and tried to subtlety calm her down.

"So, what happened THIS time" He said, with a hint of sarcasm in his voice only she could pick up.

"With Saiko? Ugh, I lo-like him.. but these midnight snacks are driving me crazy. I'm so tired right now, this is actually my third coffee. However, office coffee doesn't seem to work-" She cut herself off by yawning.

Saiki locked his eyes with Teruhashi's and blinked, which was the normal human equivalent of rolling your eyes. "Damn, doesn't he have to work too?"

"Well.. no.. he calls himself a stay-at-home dad, even tough we don't have kids. He hates that I work, since we don't need the money, but I like this place more than home-"

Teruhashi stopped talking and covered her mouth. She couldn't believe what she had just said. Even though people were talking and making sales in the background as always, a weird feeling of silence went across both of them. Saiki thought, how could someone like work more than home? Unless..

He shook his head to clear his mind, there was no way someone would hurt Teruhashi. At that moment he wished he hadn't erased his powers years ago. He wanted to see what was going on, just to make sure that that bastard Saiko wasn't doing anything to her. Even though it wasn't unusual for Saiki to leave bluntly, he turned and fell back into his chair, not looking back, which felt rougher than usual. He tried his best to make sales, he really did. But something was telling him to drop it and help Teruhashi. So he did. He got up, less calmly than usual, and put his arms on her desk to get her attention. As soon as she turned her head to him she could see the fear and urgency in his eyes. Before she could open her mouth he said

"We have to go in the hallway. Now."

"Wait why? Are you ok-"

"Kokomi. Please don't argue with me. Now."

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