Chapter 1, The Accident

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A/N: Listen above.

Chapter 1,

The Accident..

Mentions of:


The bully was running towards the anxious boy, and Tamaki knew it was him by his silhouette and by the way he made no sound at all. He was quieter than Amajiki could ever be, the five year old indulged in a rare grin, but it fades faster than a tie-dye shirt. There was a gang behind him. Now Tamaki paled more than the snow and without thinking, he turns down an alleyway, narrowly missing a wall in the process. He was up on his toes, ready to run and hide.

His breath came in small spurts, hot and nervous. At his sides, plaing fingers curled into sweaty fists, swung forward as if it would make him faster. Behind him, he could hear the baying howls of the boys and jeering laughter of his enemies. Mud smeared his sweaty face as sweat dripped from his matted hair.
"P-please..Mirio.. p-please come..!" he cried aloud, throwing himself forward with even greater abandon. His lungs and heart were pumping, but the air didn't seem to be enough as he sprinted forward, panic trembling in his exhausted limbs.

He yelped as a juice box was thrown his way, splattering and exploding on the ground beside him, milk splashing out and staining his muddy shoes and trousers as he whimpered, bowing his head as he rushed through the alleyway, hoping to at least be a little quicker.

His gaze looked up, seeing the light of the alleyway ending and expanding into the streets.
He gulped dryly, throat burning as the wind dried his eyes, blinking as many times a she could to at least lubricate them enough for him to see without having to stop.

Though he didn't seem to be able to brace himself as a rock hit the back of his head, his foot falling in front of his other as he tripped, falling to the ground with a groan, the loud screech of tires and a scream being all he heard before his vision darkened.
At that moment, there were no thoughts in his head.. his body moved on it's own.. head falling to the side, passing away upon impact.

The Jeep that hit him swerved, out of control. The two on-coming cars tried to avoid it - and failed. Both of them hit in a three-way head-on collision. There was an explosion, a ball of flame and a fist of gray smoke...A moment later there was another explosion. The third car had been travelling too fast. It plowed into the burning wrecks, flipped over and continued, screeching along the road on it's back before it too burst into flames.

Mirio stood, eyes wide and body frozen in shock at the scene before him, his body refusing to move as he slwoly broke down, tears flooding down as he screamed and ear piercing scream, his own ear drums rattling at the sound as passerby came rushing over to the boy.
He couldn't move, he couldn't think, he couldn't do anything.

He just stood..



"Mirio..? Are.., you okay?" The tall blonde flinched, blinking his eyes quickly, flinching at the sound of a truck roaring by, gulping as he turned his head to see Kirishima Eijiro. He didn't remember how he got there, but by the looks of both of their outfits they were both on their way to school.
"I.. I- y-yeah..  I'm fine..  sorry.. I um.. had a blackout.. it happens sometimes.. sorry.."
He gently bowed to the younger student who didn't seem convinced, though offering his arm to him, nodding softly towards it. "Here.. I'll help you cross the road, how does that sound?"

He hesitated before nodding, letting Kirishima hold him as he carefully linked his arm with the red head's.
"Thank you.."
The other nodded softly in response, looking both ways before helping Mirio cross the road, slow and steady.  It of course.. wasn't that much of a secret, despite Kirishima not being well.. born at the time, he still saw the news feed of the accident at that very road thirteen years ago.
The fact Mirio still had memories, blackouts and well.. nightmares of what happened it wasn't a secret that the blonde still suffered through his life on a daily basis, it is a normal thing to cross the roads after all. And Mirio despised cars or other vehicles.

Kirishima led him up to the front doors of the school where Mirio snapped out of his daze again as he apologised before thanking Kirishima, insisting he 'had to go' before rushing off into the school.

The guilt sat not on his chest but inside his brain. What he had seen he couldn't un-do. He could make amends in subtle ways, but confession was out of the question, even to his therapist. Only in his silent prayers could he speak his heart to well.. anyone and beg for their mercy. He didn't feel like he deserved the love of anyone, his friends, classmates or family.. but he clung to it and hung the shreds of his sanity on it. He prayed that one day he would feel removed from his guilt of not doing anything to save his best friend, washed clean of it, but the guilt was a stain on him, an ugly scar. He had to believe in redemption and rebirth, he had to leave his deeds in past and move on.

But it was too hard..

That was obvious.. the various flashbacks and confirmed PTSD..

It burned, the guilt burned like a stake stabbed into a vampire, it burned.. it burned and set his eyes on fire, tears whelling up as he turned, not looking where he was going before collapsing, hugging himself tightly as he gulped, hearing various students begin to panic before being directed in ways to help thanks to class 1A's class president members.

He couldn't help but cry..

It was his fault..

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