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Your Pov
I woke up to my alarm clock ringing in my ears. I yawn and stretched, standing up from the bed heading into the bathroom "Man you look terrible" Joseph said and I looked at him "Gee thanks a girl loves to hear that from her older brother in the morning immediately she wakes up" I say with sarcasm in my voice, and he just gives me a blank look then pours a bucket of ice water on me. "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK JOSEPH!" I yell and he shakes his head "You might be an international singer and respected world wide by all ages, but I'm still your older brother so don't use that language on me" he says and walks out. I lock the bathroom door and sigh, hoping in the shower I hum one of my songs 'Silence'. Once I'm done I get out of the shower and brush my teeth. I got back in my room and search for something nice to wear, when I get a call from someone, and the caller ID was Taetae. I picked up, "Hey Tae how are you?" I ask "Good I just got back from practice, so um I have to ask you something" he says nervously "Ok go ahead" I respond "You can say no but would you like to come live with me and Bangtan?" I was speechless " that" I said "REALLY?!" he yelled and I giggled "Yah! Taehyung- ah stop yelling" I heard someone say and recognized it as Jin and I giggled. BTS doesn't know about me being Tae's cousin "Sorry hyung! I've got to go, oh and I booked a plane for you here" he says "Wait Tae when is the flight?" I ask "Today 6:30 pm your time" he says and my eyes went wide "What! Tae did you plan this?" I ask and he hummed nervously "Tae! How am I going to face my family, Daphne most especially, she needs me here?!" I ask frustrated "Sorry I should have considered that" he says and I sigh "Ok I'll come today, I just have to tell my family see ya" I say "Ok I'll come pick you up bye!" I hang up and start packing all my things, you're probably wondering how I'm going to be working, well  Silver Entertainment has branches everywhere and even in Korea. I finished packing when I realized that I'm still in a towel, and I laugh at myself. I finally find something nice, I can also wear it while I go to Korea.

 I finally find something nice, I can also wear it while I go to Korea

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My outfit and hair

My makeupI take a deep breath and go down, I see my family I stand in front of them "Hey! I was watching that so please move your flat ass out of the way" Joseph said and I rolled my eyes at him "Joseph FYI my ass is bigger than your dick so shut ...

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My makeup
I take a deep breath and go down, I see my family I stand in front of them "Hey! I was watching that so please move your flat ass out of the way" Joseph said and I rolled my eyes at him "Joseph FYI my ass is bigger than your dick so shut up and let me make this announcement" I say and he glares at me while the rest of my family laugh their asses of "Ok guys! I'm moving to Korea" I say and everything went silent "What?!" Joseph and Daphne asked while my parents just sat there stunned. "Yeah I'm moving there, I'll be living with Tae, and the rest of Bangtan" I say and they nod, Daphne looks up at me "Do you really have to go?" I sigh and hug her "Hey its ok I'll video call everyday, I'll visit when I'm free" I say and she nods hugging me tightly "W-when's y-your f-flight?" Daphne asks me "Today 6:30 pm" I say and she nods "Why didn't you tell us?" Joseph asks "Well Tae actually asked me today, but what I didn't know is that he had planned it" I reply and he nods coming to give me a hug "I'll miss you baby sis, you're barely around and now your moving to Korea not to mention the fact that you will be living with six men Tae excluded" he says "I know but don't worry I'll still visit and call, I promise" I say. "Well I've got to go tell Morgan and Addison about this" I say and they both came into the house without knocking, I sigh "Hey guys!" Addison says cheerfully but the tension in the room was far from it. "Guys I have something to tell you" I say walking over to them grabbing their hands, gaining the courage to look them in the eyes, "I'm moving to Korea" I say.

Addison's Pov
"I'm moving to Korea" those four words broke me, "W-what?" I ask tears brimming in my eyes, Skylar has been I and Morgan's best friend for as long as I remember. I look over to my twin to see her as sad as me "I'm sorry but I have to, but I'll call and visit when I can promise" she says giving us a hug as we both grip her tightly "W-whens your flight?" Morgan asks in a shaky voice "6:30pm today" and I fell to my knees sobbing, I didn't want her to go, sure she went on tour, but she always came back but now she's going to Korea and never coming back "Addy I promise I'll visit" she says and I look up to her and see her smiling with tears flowing down her cheeks we all hug and I check the time "Its 4:00pm" I say "I guess I have 2 hours and thirty minutes" she says and we nod.

Your Pov
"Hey lets go do something fun before I leave" I say standing up, and the all cheer, we put my boxes in the car and drive off, we went to the park, took pictures played a little bit "Its 5:00, we should go to the airport now" mum says and we nod, the way there was spent with us singing to either my songs or BTS. We finally made it to the airport, and went to grab something to eat, I was wearing a mask and sunglasses so that no one recognizes me. We were having a good time till "Plane number 2252 to Korea will be leaving in 15 minutes, please board the plane now, I repeat flight 2252, thank you" I sighed getting up, we got to the gate, I looked back at them and smiled "I'm going to miss you all" I said hugging them "We'll miss you too, bye we love you" dad says kissing my forehead "Goodbye guys" I say boarding the plane, I was in first class so I put my luggage in the over head bin and put my phone on flight mode. Once we took off I looked outside the window watching the beautiful sunset, "Goodbye America" I say and close my eyes.

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