A natural life

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The song above is gonna be like your life k k
Alex: moma
Me: yes dear
Alex: will I be harmed
I was in shock of what my son had just said to me
Me: oh love no ever gonna hurt you love I'm gonna give you all of my love nobody matters like you~
Me: your life ain't gonna be nothing like my life your gonna grow and have a good life
Alex: you promise
Me: I- yes I promise
                              ~Time skip~
After I was done with work I walked outside to talk to someone for some info
Me: excuse me sir
Him: yes?
Me: do you know about two years ago wen those kids escaped the home?
Him: yes I do,why?
Me: are they here!
Him: yup in the home just a few blocked away
Me: thank you
Now I just need to be brave and go to visit them but would Alex come with me what would they say would they hate me would ray have a girlfriend would she be Emma, no I don't think he would like Emma that way
                               ~time skip~
After I put Alex to bed I couldn't stop thinking about visiting everyone, ray and Emma would be 13 and all the other kids would like 9 or 10 by now I don't look much different from wen I left just I'm a little taller and have shorter/longer hair than I did back then and I guess my voice is a bit different and I have a bigger chest
                                 ~next day~
I woke up my son and went to work my job sucks but it pays good at least good enough for food and a hotel room but being a women in this world is not easy ether having men all over you that mixed with the promise I made with my son to protect him but I can't promise I can protect myself in the process

Next part coming soon and thank you for reading

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