Tame Escape Plan

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"You alright, Har?" Scar asked, "I hope you aren't feeling anything dangerous now..." Nyx's eyes widened, she looked at Scar who looked back even more frightened than before.

"Do you think that...-" Nyx started

"If you go all hulk-vampire on Ashton..." Scar continued

"Not only would the chains rip apart..." Rox added

"But she'd let us out in fear! Wait, so Har is like, half Hulk half vampire?" Theme laughed in disbelief glancing at a red-faced Nyx. She wasn't blushing. Oh no. She was gritting her teeth, trying to choke it down. Every time the V-word was muttered.

"Of course she's half Hulk half vampire..." Scar shook her head and laughed. She looked at Rox who sighed.

"She's more of a vampire if you ask me..." Rox said, matter-of-factly.

"Stop. It." Nyx gritted her teeth, her eyes already responding to the conversation with a soft glow, "it hurts to morph, it really does..." she said in a pleading, hurt way. But they didn't stop. Every second word they said had to be vampire. It kept building up quite quickly. Nyx was already feeling her back sore, with the familiar stab on either side of her shoulder blades. The memory of what happened in the closet with Axel was playing behind her eyes in a blur. She tried to bight her way past the pained expression on his face, past the threating way she was holding the knife, past the accepting way she welcomed the pain. Past the immature way she let herself loose control. Again. And when everything was going just great; she had met to people who seemed to feel even closer to Nyx than Crystal, and maybe it was their life stories, and the fact that they didn't judge, but Nyx would do anything to still be connected with them somehow. This was her home. She was destined to be performing on stage. But how could she even live the life fate had paved in for her if she couldn't control this damn power? Could she hold those emotions back? They were labeled dangerous for a reason. It would be inhumane for one not to feel enraged, nervous, or thrilled. Not to mention ignore those emotions. Why happiness was easier to forget still remained a myth, as well as why what Nyx felt; and why it was negative. She gave up, groaning loudly, letting the wings price through the soft skin of her back yet again; this time Rox and Scar took coverage from the dripping gore. Nyx breathed heavily, letting her fingernails extend, letting the muscles on her arms expand and plus with purple veins and arteries, tearing the titanium cuffs as if it were tissue paper. She let her ears and nose extend with screams coated in heavy agony and anything but pleasure. She twisted about, until she fell to her knees, grasping her head and rocking back and forth. It had never been this painful before. Rox looked pleased with her reaction, and though Scar winced a little, she was still happy they could find a way out. Theme was the shocked one from the trio. She almost felt her guts crawl their way up her throat as she watched the pain they had just caused to shoot out of Nyx. She kept her mouth shut, despite her wondering if Nyx was going to be alright. It was a logical question, she had been after all, sulking in that puddle of red for a while, breathing heavily, trying to get her powers together even though they were just as sprawled out as herself. It took approximately one hour and a half for her claws to start retracting and become normal. Soon her wings returned back into normal shoulder blades, she received a normal nose, normal ears, a normal shape. If she was so normal now, Nyx thought, why do people look at her strangly all the time? It wasn't as if she remained in her transformed state all the time. She sighed, getting up as if nothing happened, trying to soak the blood out of her hair and shirt.

"Alrighty guys, out of them chains." She looked at them for further orders.

"See Nyx? Even your powers can be used for good. You got nothing to worry about. You're a goodie." Scar beamed. Why hadn't Nyx seen it earlier? Then again maybe she had seen it but perhaps not believed or felt it. Although Scar was most of the time silly, there was something about her quotes that appeared rather philosophical. Her realizations were huge, and they had always benefited from them. Nyx smiled a toothy smile, her fangs poking out still.

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