Hamlet x tohru dear god help us all

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Pov: tohrus
this might be strange but I feel like I should write this down just to keep track of things.
So it all started when I was walking into the cult room to eat

Pov: no ones
tohru enters the room and sits on a chest to eat his lunch he packed. As he was eating something nudges his foot...
"Oh h-hamlet hi I'll feed you after I'm done eating just sit tight" Tohru pets the pig but the pig just keeps rubbing the boys leg.
"Um hamlet just wait till I'm d-done and you can ea-" the pig knocks tohrus food everywhere on his pants
"AH! H-Hamlet why??" The pig does a "sassy pig walk" and sits and just watches "sassily"
"It's fine hamlet I just need to change pants..." tohru makes sure the door is locked and stands near the chest to get out another pair of pants. Tohru takes off his pants when-
"Ahhh....hamlet what are you-??" The pig pushes the Emo kid on the ground pants less. And walks up between his legs as the pig notices tohrus dick hanging out of the fly of his underwear.
"H-hamlet whats wrong with you??" Hamlet licks tohrus dick once....then again...
"I-uh-um h-hamlet Wh-what are you.." the pig kept testing it licking the tip getting it harder and harder
"H-hamlet...." tohru got aroused by the pigs efforts as tohrus dick got fully erect the licks became longer and faster up his shaft.
"Hamlet~...this...feels really g-good for s-some reason..." tohru kept questioning if this was right but as the licks continued he fully accepted this he liked the pig licking his dick up and down.
"G-god it feels so wrong but feels so...right~"
Tohru petted the pig and cumed all over the pig
"Ahhh hamlet~" this was his first time with anything living. The pig licked his dick clean liking the taste of it and started licking again trying to make him cum....
"H-hamlet...not again..."
He kept licking and licking
"H-hamlet n-no!" The pig "sassily" walks away back to his dog bed he sleeps in and sleeps.
Tohru adjusts his clothes and awkwardly putting his new pants on..now a new man one that fucked a pig

Reviews: that might be the best fanfic I've ever read tbh 10/10
It's what the fandom needed 10/10
My dad monitors my search history 9/10

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