Chapter Three

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About a minute after Jack left, the Doctor was starting to feel a bit tired, and his eyes kept drifting closed. Eventually he fell asleep leaning against the TARDIS. He was upset that the TARDIS wasn't letting him in. All he wanted was some spare parts he kept in a storage room somewhere. He supposed she did need to rest and re-fuel though. He respected that.

A little while later, he wasn't sure how long, since he was asleep, the doctor felt someone carrying him and assumed that Jack was taking him back inside since the body was defiantly more muscular. There was a familiar sense about the person, something he couldn't quite put his finger on. He decided to shrug off the feeling, he didn't really care who was carrying him to be honest, just as long as they brought him to a bed of some kind.

He snuggled closer into the warmth of the person, still keeping his eyes closed. He then felt himself get shifted upwards, so that his legs were wrapped around the mans waist and his arms automatically wrapping around his neck. He felt a large hand sitting just under his bum, on his thigh, to support him, and the other on his back. He smiled and snuggled closer into the persons neck as he drifted back to sleep again.

The doctor slowly started to stir awake. He moved around slightly as he felt his energy start to come back and his body wake up. He stretched out, his eyes still staying closed, in the unfamiliar ground beneath him. It felt like a bed. It wasn't his bed though. Although, he didn't really sleep much, and had sort of forgotten what his bed felt like, but he was sure that this wasn't it.

He then remembered about the dream lord and staying at the Torchwood hub. He didn't think this was what the Torchwood guest bed felt like either though. He then remembered someone carrying him after he fell asleep next to the TARDIS and his eyes shot open.

He looked around startled. This defiantly wasn't the Torchwood guest bedroom. It looked like an abandoned building of some sort or possibly an old junk yard or construction site. It was damp and he could hear the rhythmic beating of water droplets dripping down onto the ground, forming a small puddle on the already dirty floor.

He was lying on an old mattress. It was dirty and springy but at least it wasn't the ground. There was an old tattered blanket draped over him and the distinct lack of a pillow. He looked around and then spotted someone sitting in a sort of drain pipe. A massive drain pipe. He was staring at him and tilted his head sideways. "Good to see you're finally awake." Came the all too familiar voice of his once best friend.


Everyone stared on at the footage. Who was that guy? And why had they taken the doctor? "Maybe he just thought he was a random kid." Tosh suggested. "Maybe he doesn't know he's the doctor." She added, trying to remain hopeful.

If they thought he was just a normal kid then they wouldn't suspect that he was smart. Smarter than them and would be startled by him, probably giving him a chance to escape since they wouldn't expect a 5 year old to do those sorts of things- but if he knows it was the doctor, was targeting the doctor, then they would be ready, and prepared. Meaning the chance of the doctor getting out, in a 5 year olds body, with no sonic screwdriver, were very slim.

"Hopefully." Jack said and ran a hand through his hair. Before his eyes opened wider. "That was live footage!" He shouted before he started sprinting to the door. Amy, followed by Rory, which then made River go as well, all chasing after him. "So?" Amy asked. She felt sick at the thought that the doctor was out there, alone, unprotected and probably afraid if he's in his 5 year old state.

"So we might be able to catch him." River said with a smile, catching onto what Jack was saying. Jack nodded as they bolted out into the streets. They sprinted off in the general direction the man went. "Okay you two go that way, me and River will go this way." Jack instructed when they came to a split off area. They all nodded and sprinted off in search of the doctor.

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