3-Finally going

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Your alarm went off. You stopped it and stretched.

"EEE today is the day!"

You got out of your bed and fed your bunny. As you fed her you realized that you were running out of lettuce. 

"We are gonna have to wait on the lettuce until we get to japan, bunbuns"

You packed her things like chew toys, pellets, carrier, etc. As you got ready for the day you couldn't welp but feel so excited. YOU ARE GOING TO TOKYO FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, WHERE YOU WHERE BORN! You shook with excitement as you did your hair. You decided to straighten your hair for a more lighter look (if that makes sense). You never wore makeup because you were always told you looked so beautiful without it. That's why boys use to drool all over the thought of you. You looked presentable enough, nothing to major.
*you guys can pick your own outfit for this one*

"Alright bunbuns. You ready?"

You picked her up and put her in her carrier. She had her hay in there so she was good. The hay was very special. If she needs to use the bathroom she can go and it won't smell, which was a blessing. You put everything to the front door.

         Your flight was at 12:30. It was only 9:30. You packed a water,(for you and your bunny) snacks, and chapstick (you can't go anywhere without it). You had to go to LAX (which is an airport in Los Angeles). It was only a 2 hour drive there. You could defiantly make it. You pulled out your phone to have an Uber come pick you up. 

         They finally arrived after 5 minutes. You and the driver ( which they were really nice) put everything, except the bunny in the trunk.

"Is that everything?"
The driver asks.

You say excitedly.

"Alright kid hop in! Next stop LAX"

"Yup!" You say as you got in fast.

"So kid where are you going? Well like I know your going to LAX but like.. why ya know"
The driver asked nicely.

"Oh I, going to Tokyo, Japan to live there."


"Oh yea. I was actually born there, but I'm not Asian."

"Wait can you explain a little more?"

"Oh right sorry so uhm-"

You told the driver all about how you are Hispanic and that your parents went to Japan as a vacation. The driver was amazed on your birth backstory.

"I'm sorry if you get this a lot but.. you look Asian."

"Oh no it's no big deal but yea I get told a lot. Even my close friends thought I was Asian for the longest time until I told them."

"they never thought to ask you about your race?"
The driver said curiously.

"I guess not"

Your eyes got a little heavy and then you fell asleep. The driver looked in the mirror to see if you were awake since, it was getting very quite. You were asleep. The driver looked back at the road and smiled.


You woke up with a little pain in your neck. This had happened before but you brushed it off. You played among us on your phone to pass the time. You were so focused on your game that when you arrived at your location the driver had to lightly yell at you.

Latina/kurooxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now